Thursday, April 30, 2009

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(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 27 APR - Il vicepresidente americano, Joe Biden, effettuera' una visita ufficiale in Kosovo nella seconda meta' di maggio. Nel darne notizia, la Radiotelevisione del Kosovo (Rtk) ha riferito che Biden giungera' a Pristina nel periodo tra il 17 e il 21 maggio. Con la visita in Kosovo - ha aggiunto l'emittente - Biden will begin 'a trip to the Balkans. Today, the Belgrade daily Blic writes that Biden will make 'a one-day visit to Serbia in late May. The newspaper, however, does not indicate the precise date. The United States is the first supporters of the independence proclaimed unilaterally by Kosovo, which Belgrade refuses to recognize the other hand continue to consider Kosovo its own southern province. (ANSA). COR-QN
27/04/2009 18:26

Saturday, April 25, 2009

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Serbia in May, workers without pay threaten: "We are ready to cut our fingers,"

Serbia, threaten workers without pay: "We are ready to cut our fingers"

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Workers at a textile factory in a crisis of Novi Pazar, in the Southwestern Serbia, are ready to cut daily round a finger, if not paid will not receive their wages for years. The threat, reported today by the newspaper "Blic", was made by Zoran Bulatovic, the leader of the local textile union, which already yesterday - in a demonstration and creepy - had a finger of his left hand amputee to protest against the failure payment of wages. "That's what we still have to eat," said Bulatovic showing the fragment of the finger amputee, making the act of eating. Bulatovic four days, and with him several hundred other workers at the textile factory "HKSAR", began a hunger strike to demand a solution their story, which has lasted several years. The story is also an important national media Serbs.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

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ship drugs: Serbian prison in Trieste

ship drugs: Serbian prison
He had managed to escape the agents of the police headquarters in Lucca, but thanks to the request for extradition is was captured by Belgian police and handed over to Italian

Lucca, April 22, 2009 - It 's been notified of the order of remand in custody in Alexandria, which was requested by prosecutor Fabio Origlio and ordered by the magistrate Carlo Annarumma to Judmir Mezini, 32 year old, professional driver. With his arrest was concluded that the operation, conduct by the police, which is called "Ramazan". It all goes back to an organization that mattered Albanians in the province of Lucca large quantities of cocaine and heroin, from the Balkans, were sent to Northern Europe. The organization, smashes by staff in the first section of the squad of the police station of Lucca, was headed by the Albanian brothers and Oklid Ramazan Cela Cela, and whose numbers are significant: in fact, about 22 kilos of heroin and 8 together with those of cocaine seized 5 cars, 62,000 € in cash, 24 people arrested and 26 other suspects on the loose.

Over 150 cards then "Sim" placed under interception, all citizens registered to phantom Chinese and Senegalese, used by associates of the criminal organization. But when you catch the truck driver in question was able to escape the agents. Mezini, from Serbia, but resident in Belgium, on behalf of the brothers in 2008, Cela was transported from northern Europe to the province of Milan a few kilos of cocaine destined for two. From here it was the ambush of policemen fired Lucca near some warehouses in the area of \u200b\u200bNerviano, near Milan, but at the last minute the Mezini thwarting his plans had changed, in fact, the commitment of the police. The truck driver was in fact returned to Belgium. Then the request for extradition and arrest by the Belgian police and delivery to the Italian colleagues. With this last step the operation "Ramazan" has finally ended as all Albanians are part of the organization are in prison.


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: Italians and Croats were partners in the smuggling of cigarettes

s useless Trieste divided between 'Slavs' and 'Italian'. The Ansa reported as an organization devoted to the smuggling of cigarettes, consisting of Italians and Croats, has been discovered by the financiers of Gico of Trieste, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, who have arrested five people.

Another three people in receipt of the arrest warrants - inform the Flames Yellow Trieste - have escaped capture. According to the findings by the investigators, the Italians held the role of "minds" of the traffic, while Croatian citizens was responsible for procuring the cigarettes. The traffic was followed every step and in detail the "experts" smuggler from Trieste, which had identified deposits in Slovenia, near the border to stock the merchandise that was then taken to Italy several times. The cigarettes were hidden on board too, scooter to make transport unexpected. After the initial checks, the organization has changed its strategy and found a new store on the Carso.

The cigarettes were marketed in some public places, which are controlled by the Guardia di Finanza. A first shipment was intercepted in a shipping company in Trieste, unaware of the contents of the parcel, was about to deliver them to some customers connected to the organization. The agents are Gico finally intervened by stopping a man in a car whose hood had been crammed in over 250 cartons of cigarettes, "flanked by a scooter, in turn stopped after some reckless maneuvers. Since early 2009, the Guardia di Finanza del Friuli Venezia Giulia have already seized more than two tons of contraband cigarettes.