Saturday, October 23, 2010

Erection During Brazilian Waxing

Digital illiteracy and school rejected ultramedialità

Lawrence Lessig to hinder Internet means "to declare war on our children."
"From what we see everyday in our country, we believe that Italy is in the midst of a generational clash." Stresses Luigi Bobbio, everything down innovation clashing against generations accustomed to the era of the remote control, fear of overcoming the status quo.
The web goes beyond the social communication and shared an ecosystem evolving toward cognitive, widespread and increased intelligence, a ultra-medial . "The semantics of the ubiquitous connectivity for objects, geographical resilience of the machines, they should give us pause in looking forward, beginning with the fundamental rights of" netizens ", the new company, continues L. Bobbio .
We are fully digital illiteracy, the new plague cultural distinction that permeates society, but particularly affects the non-digital natives, digital immigrants .
The digital divide in connectivity and the overcoming of any controversy on neutrality can not be solved without thinking deeply the static model of twentieth-century use of the spectrum in a radio.Siamo historical moment when the TV is now traveling on the internet without having to deal directly and exclusively, new frequency bands.
"It is time to open up the innovation of radio-cognitive models and open license. "reiterates Bobbio, thus opening the state-owned federalism / city frequency (frequency spectrum)
"Internet is not a place rather a medium distributed geographically. As the synapses of the human brain are the spatial distribution of our gray matter, not virtuale.L 'anonymity on the Net is an oxymoron and cash equivalents are still identifying the authority of the common citizen. "
freedom ... and the internet are the future of new generations ...