Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Carolina Biological Supply Cell Respiration Lab


Inflation school / training

Several scholars at the European level, including Marie Duru Bellat *, dealing with sociology and economics of education are assuming that in advanced societies is being shown in excess of schooling, called Overschooling.
Above a certain limit the crescista schooling would not be useful in the socio-economic development of a country. Duru Bellat quote l'OCSE, nel rapporto Education at a Glance del 2006, sostiene che al di sopra di una media di 7,5 anni di scuola, gli effetti positivi sulla crescita economica tendono a diminuire.

La media di scolarizzazione nei paesi avanzati EU è di 11,8 anni, ecessiva e controproducente, creando una sorta di inflazioni scolatsica/formativa che non gioverebbe al paese. ( L'inflation scolaire )
Tra gli esempi diversi Paesi del blocco ex-comunista, con un livello di scolarizzazione mediamente elevato, altissima percentuale di laureati, ma PIL sottozero e redditi personali bassi.

Viene messa così in discussione l’opinione diffusa, vedi Ivan Illich ( Deschooling Society ) or concepts related to human capital , that bring more young people as possible with their qualifications and / or graduate promote economic and social justice.
The development of education is not an end in itself, Duru-Bellat, justifying "educational inflation". Need more training for what purpose?

See also European teachers

European teachers

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* Marie Duru-Bellat, sociologue spécialiste des questions d’éducation, est professeur à l’IEP de Paris et chercheur à l’Observatoire Sociologique du Changement et à l’Institut de Recherche en Education (IREDU). Elle travaille sur les politiques éducatives et les inégalités sociales et sexuées dans le système scolaire. Parmi ses ouvrages récents, on compte : L’école des filles. Quelle formation pour quels rôles sociaux ?, L’Harmattan, 2004 ; Les inégalités sociales at school. Genesis and myths, PUF, 2002; Inflation school. The disillusionment of meritocracy, Seuil, 2006.


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