Without shelter The hospitality is at home of suspended time, the blog of Francesco Marotta, where you are sure to spend a few hours in good company, among old friends, some of which have left a witness I like to bring. I do also to highlight the work done by Gabriela Fanta, director of the series "Look", and the publisher, Gerardo Mastrullo.
"I go a bit 'by the topic of the post, specifically the writing of poets Anterem, say something to Wilhelm's book as a whole. I'm reading and I have not finished yet, because the proposed Stefano is dense and requires time and attention, and is divided into different sections of reflections and readings. Without taking anything away from the other first struck me greatly, Poetry and finitude, which is an argument without support or network, which does not refer to an author or group of authors but to poetry as a whole, needs and the consequences of write. I state that very wary of those who write about writing, in many cases it seems to me that you will face the risk of a short self. Not in the case of Wilhelm, who in the first twenty pages (What is poetry, what language, what experience, dis-The fact of the poem, what does the poem, because writing) make black White on a series of concepts that anyone who writes or reads or look for something in the writing of others I try, or perhaps in a primitive underground. Stefano eviscerates the skeleton instead of writing with a disarming lucidity, he said references, the causes, the end if it exists. For me, I'm taking the rest, they first apply to have more pages of a book, and the confirmation of human and intellectual stature of Wilhelm. The fact that in this post are somehow united two of the people of greater stature that I have been lucky enough to know (a more "chaotic", fm, and a more "rhizomatic", st) can only make me very happy '.
Francesco Tomada
«Libro molto denso, soprattutto nella parte centrale. Le prime pagine sono particolarmente belle, in alcuni passaggi anche da un punto di vista letterario. C’è poi tutto un discorso sul canone che è molto dotto. Come dicevo privatamente a Stefano, la cosa interessante di alcuni libri appena usciti, compreso il suo, è il fatto che, almeno in parte, siano stati nutriti dal lavoro in rete che, per un periodo almeno, ha fatto circolare un medesimo gruppo di autori sui quali si è potuto ragionare con un'attenzione sicuramente più libera, poi approdata alla sintesi del libro. È, quindi, uno dei pochi casi di libri che hanno anticipato il contenuto in rete. Nella series looks at least two papers have come out very dense: the collective, POETRY AND MEAT (ed. M. T. Burr and wages, and that, beautiful, Marco Ercolani, dizziness and measures'.
Sebastian Aglieco
"I applaud this critical work of Stephen, and here I greet him with affection. I know its rigor and its ability to dig into the workshop of the word led to years of study, through his blog, his intense, never superficial curiosity. "
Fabio Franzin
" I started the book of Stephen, like Sebastian, and I can only be felice di questo rigoroso sguardo sulla poesia contemporanea che i tre ultimi libri editi dalla Vita Felice sanno offrire, invitando il lettore a un’attenzione durevole nel tempo. Grazie anche a Gabriela Fantato che, di questi tre libri, è stata la paladina, e a Gerardo Mastrullo che li ha accolti nelle sue edizioni. C’era bisogno, io credo, di aprire uno scavo nell’officina della parola poetica di questi ultimi anni. Mi auguro che altri libri li seguano. Inoltre, credo, è la prima volta che si delinea un’attenzione critica profonda alla scrittura dei poeti di “Anterem”».
Marco Ercolani
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