"Sono molti anni che, a scadenze periodiche, Alberto Arbasino invoca polemicamente un coefficiente di qualità con cui ordinare delle classifiche, fra i libri, alternative a quelle di vendita. Come mai, si chiede Arbasino, alberghi e ristoranti si misurano a stelle (o a forchette & cappelli) e per qualcosa di almeno altrettanto nobile come i libri contano solo ed esclusivamente i dati di mercato? It's as if McDonald's was considered the best restaurant. In truth such an initiative already exists in Germany, and also by us, for movies, they all know some of quality assessment that has, as they say, many attempts at imitation. Yet it is the arbitrariness of the subjective assessment to make constitutively idiosyncratic, and therefore unreliable, a ranking like that.
Until a few decades ago there would be no need for a similar initiative. Existed in this area a "close company", to quote Leopardi: a community of readers, professional or otherwise, which he knew what were the works to be read, perhaps to hate them. They were largely the same people who will call your attention to writing books, other products related solely to the accounting offices of the publishers. Today of course is no longer so. Far from regretting the company close - with its rituals of membership, its classism, mortgages ideological (in the worst of the term), the inextricable intertwining of personalities and grudges - we are witnessing with dismay (or, by some snob, nihilistic with enthusiasm) to be lost, suddenly, in any proportion between books and books of quality entertainment. The very expression "publishing of culture "that once, without distinction and which are necessary prerequisites, you knew exactly what it has become outdated and, in fact, incongruously snobbish. For a long time now that the success (or failure) in sales of any "cultural product", it seems clear a priori any possible discussion on the value of works of art, and even the content - the lifestyles, world views, expectations of the future - they always carry. If the only valid measurement parameter relies on the secularized Providence that common sense has long been identified in the market, that of literature - like the other arts - could really be reduced to an ornamental role.
It is against this state of affairs it intends to respond to the initiative of the rank of quality promoted by pordenonelegge.it (Gian Mario Villalta, Alberto Garlini, Valentina Gasparet), and the three founding members of the Prize "Stephen Dedalus" - Alberto Casadei, Andrea Cortellessa, Guido Mazzoni. They have identified 100 'Big Players' who, professionally or not, follow the contemporary literature. On a regular basis, this jury will evaluate the books of Italian literature published in the last months, the sum of the votes will compose a list. At least once a year will proposta anche una classifica della letteratura straniera tradotta in italiano.
Della giuria fanno parte critici e scrittori – ma anche traduttori e mediatori culturali, storici e filosofi, consulenti editoriali, critici di discipline che non siano la letteratura; e poi autori, registi e attori del teatro e del cinema. Le persone che hanno accettato di partecipare sono diverse per estrazione, formazione e gusti, come del resto i promotori di questa iniziativa. Esprimono idee della letteratura, competenze, scelte di poetica differenti. L’obiettivo era quello di creare un gruppo che fosse rappresentativo dello spazio letterario italiano e della sua varietà conflittuale. L’unica esclusione preventiva about those writers and critics who are also, by trade, heads of publishing houses and makers of the cultural pages. In agreement with the organizers of pordenonelegge.it, has chosen not to involve them not to stir up conflict of interest or embarrassment in the voting. Except that the other jurors and the Dedalus prize for the winners of its previous editions, our readers are united by other criteria: age. Despite the fragmentation of knowledge and cultural practices, many data points are similar between those who today has thirty years and who has a fifty. [...]"
I 100 major players, "Andrea Damiano Abeni Afribo Giancarlo Alfano Joseph Antonelli Silvia Ballestra Pierpaolo Antonello Andrea Stefano Bartezzaghi Barenghi Bajan Mario Alberto Marco Bellocchio Cecilia Bello Minciacchi Belpoliti Mario Benedetti Sonia Bergamasco Clotilde Bertoni Alberto Bertoni Elisa Biagini Gianni Gianni Biondillo Bonina Angela Borghesi Silvia Bre Daniela Brogi Franco Buffoni Calandrone Maria Grazia Maria Teresa Carbone Roberto Casagrande Andrea Carnero Grace Church stands Guido Stefano Chiodi Stefano Ciavatta Margherita Crepax Stefano Dal Bianco Andrea Di Consoli Matthew Jesus Paolo Di Paolo Raffaele Donnarumma Monica D 'Onofrio Monica Farnetti Paul Febbraro Massimo Roberto Galan Fusillo Stefano Massimo Gallerani Margherita Ganeri Gezzi Daniele Paolo Giglioli Marco Giovannetti Juvenal Claudio Miguel gotor Andrea Giunta English Janeczek Helena Clare Lagani Lagioia Nicola Raffaele Valerio Magrelli Channel Nine Massimo Michele Aldo Mari Ottonieri Tommaso Onofri Gabriele Fulvio Panzeri Antonio Pascale Pedullà Pierluigi Pellini Silvio Perrella Daniele Piccini Domenico Pinto Alessandro Piperno Gilda Policastro Laura Pugno Fabio Pusterla Massimo Raffaele Salvatore Rocco Ronchi Found Martin Rueff Evelina Santangelo Alessandra Sarchi Scarlini Domenico Luca Scarpa Tiziano Scarpa Beppe Sebaste Gianluigi Simonetti Antonio Spadaro Pietro Francesco Stella Spirit Italo Testa Enrico Testa Giuseppe Emanuele Trevi Anthony Traina Luigi Fabio Tricomi Weber Zinelli Paul Zublena Edoardo Zuccato
1) Max Rizzante, We're not the last , Effigy, p.
21 2) Andrea stands, Class , Bollati Boringhieri p. 20
3) Guido Crainz, Autobiography of a republic, Donzelli, P. 16
3) Massimo Fusillo, aesthetics of literature, the Mill, p. 16
5) Maria Michela Sassi, The beginnings of philosophy in Greece , Bollati Boringhieri p. 14
6) Sergio Luzzatto, Bonbon Robespierre, Einaudi, p. 11
7) Mario Perniola Miracoli e traumi della comunicazione , Einaudi, p. 8
7) Franco Vazzoler, Il chierico e la scena , il melangolo, p. 8
9) Clotilde Bertoni, Letteratura e giornalismo , Carocci, p. 6
9) Enzo Bianchi, Perché pregare, come pregare , San Paolo, p. 6
9) Furgio Brugnolo, La lingua di cui si vanta Amore , Carocci, p. 6
9) Franco Cassano, Tre modi di vivere il sud , Il Mulino, p. 6
9) Debenedetti-Pilati, La guerra dei trent’anni , Einaudi, p. 6
9) Ferretti-Zinati, Volponi personaggio di novel, Manni, p. 6
9) Stephen Wilhelm, Without shelter, The Happy Life, p. 6
9) Massimo Recalcati Melancholy and creation in Van Gogh , Bollati Basic Books, p. 6
9) Jim Dale, Vice read , Rizzoli, p. 6
9) Amedeo Vigorelli, Disgust time , Mimesis, p. 6
9) Luigi Zoja, Against Ismene, Bollati Basic Books, p. 6
20) Ilvo Diamonds, Syllabary sad time, Feltrinelli, p. 5
21) Roberto Andreotti, backfires , BUR, p. 4
21) Attilio Brilli, The journey to the East, Oxford University Press, p. 4
21) Emiliano Morreale, The invention of nostalgia , Donzelli, P. 4
21) Domenico Vecchioni, Sneakers , Olympia, p. 4
25) Linnie Accorroni, 69 positions, Cathedral, p. 3
25) Michael Smargiassi, Genuine lie , Contrast, p. 3
27) Diana Balmori, Between the river and city , Bollati Basic Books, p. 2
27) Claudio Marazzini, Word order , Il Mulino, p. 2
27) Massimo Christmas Il canto delle idee , Marsilio, p. 2
27) Elena Pulcini, La cura del mondo , Bollati Boringhieri, p. 2
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