Digital Natives and Digital Technology School
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learn how a Native * Digital
A nightmare lingered in 1998 was said
( resistors multimedia , Computers & Education, Hugony publisher, Year VI, Number 3, September 1998 )
Sometimes we have a nightmare dream to enter the classroom and start talking and see that nobody is following us, nobody understands us, as we speak a language alien.
We arrived??
* " students bring to school, and his requests, with resignation, without enthusiasm ... The school is not up to them. ... Their goal is to survive the school ... "
Young students do not find answers in the cramped classrooms, teaching off
dispersed in a made up of teachers, now digital immigrants. qui
la Scuola sembra essere in Crisi qui
*" E’ una scuola che è già fallita. E’ una scuola oramai scoppiata. Anche se non se n’è ancora accorta... "
In tale modernità liquida si vivono esasperate forme di intolleranza verso ogni tipo di frustrazione, gli individui infatti risultano incapaci di far fronte ad alcuna dilazione della gratificazione, è il tutto e subito, dilatando il presente come unicum possibile; a farne le spese è soprattutto la Scuola , arcaica struttura ottocentesca che sopravvive galleggiando come un dinosauro preistorico doomed to extinction. here
* " Instead of recognizing his own inability (structural and Teaching) acknowledge its users not to be those that the school will be aspettrebbe .. ."
School that Noia here
* " not that the school is organized for a student who no longer exists? .. ."
The illiterate of the 21 'century here
* " I suspect that the" inconvenience "to many students that the school complaint is the sign of this rupture, a break occurred a long time, a break that has opened two different and increasingly divergent paths. The school on one side and the other students .. . "
is the self-trainers of teachers on their role as defense el'arroccarsi
and professors
the parents have different expectations
Redshift Research
*" the school as a whole who has lost his touch with reality, that does not know it lighter, who does not know what answers to give .. . "
School el'aula school lose their dominance and centrality of education, especially for older people, and other external sources acting involved (outsourcing learning). There are doubts about continuity of learning in classrooms, especially in the early stages of education, but this will become even less important throughout the life of the person. According to several studies, 70 to 80% of what we learn is learned on the job "(R. Straub) here
and Implosion of the school here
*" is not about change but to change teaching methods also what is taught in school "
" We must, rather, to renew the program years now ... I do not change the contents of teaching ... " ( M. Cacciari )
change what is taught in the School
greetings and good wishes to the Digital Natives
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