Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Implantation Bleeding And Clear Mucus

Generation 2000 + - M2 generation -

If the 2010 can be regarded as the Year Zero for the Italian school,
2020 will be the end of the school to generate 2000 +.

In a recent special on the 2010 Horace Nicephorus Tuttoscuola
writes "The advent of the internet especially in its interactive versions of" the famous web2.0,
one part moves the new generation 2000 + , the digital natives ,
other, "the static inertial recurrence of the old school as perceived by students as
unnecessarily complicated, boring, stiff ...
and throws a few questions:
  • "the school may be put out of play ... (See survey Censis 2009) perceived as a useless institution? "
  • " digital natives born in the third millennium ... immersed in an aging society, how to watch the professor? "
  • " ... if the traditional model of teaching is in crisis facing students today, what will happen in 10 years ?..."

"If the school will be the same as today it is easy to provide for who will risk becoming a colossal institution
useless ... deligittimato serving as the principal agent of formation of new generations
... "he speaks of educational emergency

There is a need curricula in tune with the characteristics of Generation 2000 + (M2 Generation) ...

what in the UK was the National Curriculumm .

and what is happening in U.S.
will open the discussion on the topic also here ...
the global challenges of the millennium,
the reversal in place of the relationship between formal and informal
(for which only 30% of knowledge is now acquired through school, 70% passed out), the
'urgent need' a profound process of reform of the education system, "
the need to" overcome the plant encyclopedia-notional "
the "centrality of learning as engagement and involvement of the pupil and its potential acquisition of knowledge '...
between the specific objectives to be achieved in school," the revision of curricula to adapt to the social demands of today's culture "


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