cards, write, think
Francesca Rigotti
Il Mulino, 2002
€ 11.50
Ariadne, Arachne, Ananche, Athena is the women of mythology that govern the texture, which, from its original element , the wire, the fabric to the finished product, the plot, the plot is an art and royal women.
The thread that these creatures have in hand and work is the existence and destiny of women and men, with which they give meaning to life.
Ariadne, daughter of King Minos of Crete and Pasiphae, daughter of the sun, burning with love and passion, gave Theseus the thread to exit the maze. Arachne girl experienced in the work of spinning and lover of his work, dared to challenge Athena, goddess of weaving, and this turned into a spider.
Ananche, whose name means bond, is the one on whose knees turn the spindle that spins the thread of life filmed and distributed by the Fates: Clotho, which helps to spin by turning the outer circle of the zone with his right hand, Atropos, that spins the inner circles with his left hand, and Lachesis, which run alternately from each other and with one and the other hand.
While women with their hands, spun and wove the thread, the spider, the canvas, the frame, the fabric, the warp, the plot, the plot, are now in their "dresses" di metafore, il filo del pensiero, il filo spezzato del ragionamento, il filo della storia, il filo del racconto, la vestaglia del filosofo…
Forse è venuto il momento, conclude Francesca Rigotti , in cui Teseo restituisca il filo ad Arianna, e in cui Arianna non usa quel filo per impiccarsi bensì per uscire dal labirinto, insieme a Teseo, e per orientarsi con lui su altri sentieri .
Per parte mia ho avuto una nonna che filava e oggi mentre guardo la mamma che, seppure con le mani deformate dall’artrite, gugliata dopo gugliata, punto dopo punto, trasforma un pezzo di stoffa in un abito, penso di essere di fronte ad un accadimento magico.
Che ognuna trovi i suoi fili, li intrecci e tessa la tela della propria vita…
marinella m.
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