Thursday, February 24, 2011

Position Of Cervix In Early Pregnancy

What happened to the nation-state? (2) 11

Judith Butler, Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak

Meltemi 2009
€ 13.00

What 'states' for those who did not 'state'?
This small but dense book, which shows the action at a seminar on globalization held in 2007 in Irvine, California, I came back to memory by reading the statements of these days around the problem of immigrants si prevedono in arrivo dalle coste libiche.
Nessuno ne parla come di profughi o rifugiati, con diritto d'asilo. Ed anche nel caso fossero solo persone che approfittano dell'improvvisa libertà o tragedia per fuggire verso destini migliori, sono semplicemente un problema, un costo, delle persone che si presentano già con uno stato: quello di clandestini, di fuoriusciti. Saranno cioè sentiti come altro dalle nostre comunità nazionali.
E allora ho ricordato questo testo che mette bene in luce quali siano le strategie di potere che gli stati nazionali mettono in atto per creare nuovi stati, mentali-esistenziali-giuridici, che escludano dalla polis e dalla cittadinanza, grazie a dispositivi militari ed extraterritorialità mai conosciute before.
The Italian title is not the translation of the original title, saying instead: "Who sings the national anthem?".
The reflection of the American philosopher questions the thought of Arendt and Agamben on the relationship between power and the polis and citizenship, looking for the right to liberty and sense of calling into question the traditional view of citizenship rights only intended for the status of citizen.
His answer is the example that gives title to the book, it tells of Latino immigrants in the U.S. to the streets singing the national anthem in English, acting in fact, without being citizens, freedom and the right to be parties U.S. community, thus claiming a very eccentric gesture, which is in 'political action its public dimension.
This is a complex text but rich in ideas, sometimes needed to understand a world of boundaries that increasingly close and at the same time are arranged with the sole objective of the new rule with the 'status' of those who do not know.


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