Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sorority Life How To Delete Account

Young and Old School A school

digital technologies are the new instruments / tools of youth culture, immersed in the digital society.

the digital society determines a new construction of identity / I of the new generations,

Young people use new ways to communicate, that new identity, we call these forms digit-I (l 'I Digital ).

le tecnologie digitali più che strumenti per gestire le informazioni sono veicoli di

Relazioni ,

facilitano e migliorano le possibilità di entrare in contatto con gli altri Pew Internet & American Life Project

siamo in una società complessa e liquida ( Bauman ) in cui dominano la transizione, la complessità, il passaggio,niente è duraturo; molte informazioni valgono appena poche ore,al massimo un giorno.

In this context, many living reality, hyper-reality (whose beginning has had with the virtuality), the mind is suitable, and so we must turn to the new dynamics;

the self is fragmented experiencing a variety self , multi-personal, identità mutevoli, cadono le certezze, avanzano gli spazi dei molteplici interrogativi, domina la comunicazione comunque e ovunque, con qualsiasi media;

tutto va sperimentato condividendo esperienze, relazioni in gruppi reali o virtuali di breve durata, o creati per l’occasione, o vissuti in comunità di interessi.

nascono nuove forme di apprendimento decontestualizzato,fuori dalle aule/pareti scolastiche, gli “ apprendimenti non scolatistici ” , emergono nuovi autoapprendimenti gestibili in modo autonomo (vedi anche peer-teaching e peer-tutoring ),
ed altri aspetti legati al “rifiuto dello studio scolatistico” e alla self-perceived significance,

that undermine the centrality of SCHOOL same as the primary source of training, "Life" seems to be out, it's out ...

new forms of social / relationships and social net- R-tech ( Rifkin ) in which everything is experienced, sharing experiences, real or virtual relations in groups (" socialnetworktualità ) of short duration, or created for the occasion

We live so changing forms of consciousness, typed protean ( RJLifton ), flexible, able to adapt continuously to new circumstances (on-line) setting out the possible forms of 'self-narrative of the self ,
or developing new relationships qualitatively significant
( Valkenburg, Peter )
but also with possible sporadic phenomenon of cyber-bullying ,
relegating it to the off-line " digital immigrants" (Prensky Mark )

some authors see the Internet as a powerful weapon of mass instruction ("weapon of mass education") ( N. Negroponte)

the self-teacher-trainers on el'arroccarsi its role as a defense is one area of \u200b\u200b
'educational emergency ,

the digital teaching is still far away (despite the expectations of parents see Redshift Research )

all ... that while the technological setting

advanced digital

see also LINK

Monday, December 21, 2009

Milena Velba Construction

No Place Like Home Gift Shop, we are teachers

The Irish Primary Institutions Network, essentially governmental association that controls the network of primary schools (our primary) in Ireland, has warned children (read: parents) not to buy expensive gifts to their teachers for Christmas.

This comes after a child was presented by his teacher with a gift card for purchases in shops in the center of the value of 200 €. The IPIN announced that the risk of expensive gifts become 'epidemic in the coming days.

I subscribed alla graduatoria per diventare docente.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good Club Initiations


thank whole body editorial Anterem for giving space to Without shelter , resume, on the front page, the cover and the premise, which states:

this paper continues the research undertaken with Scritti nomads, it examines themes declined in the concept of finiteness, verify it against the contemporary Italian poetry and the question of the canon.

The first section explores the nature of poetry, its cognitive value, the reasons that prevent a definition, analyzing alcune esperienze poetiche significative della contemporaneità e attraverso un dialogo ideale con l'amico Tiziano Salari, critico e poeta con il quale mi sono confrontato a lungo in questi anni.

La seconda sezione verifica la necessità del Canone, evidenziandone la relazione con la finitezza, con gli elementi istituzionali e con la società letteraria. Inoltre ho indagato l'originale lettura del canone occidentale offerta da Giampiero Marano e selezionato una rosa di autori italiani emergenti o non ancora del tutto riconosciuti, favorita dalla gestione del blog Blanc de ta nuque.

La terza sezione, infine, legge il presente della poesia italiana a partire dalla New women and collects most of what I published in journals in recent years.

In general, except for some brief notes traced in the first two sections, the authors intentionally left it off the second-twentieth-century protagonists of the debate, just to draw an area of \u200b\u200bdiscussion pre-canonical, open to the making and unmaking the interpreting community and not too rich for truth and beauty.

Among the poets of which, for reasons of time and effort, I could not write, I remember Julian and Camillo Pennati Mesa, masters discrete and not enough studied by contemporary critics.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bridal Shower Slideshow Music

alarm raised by The Washington Post "... the sorry state of public education ..." (In The keys to a successful education system Pisa and )

in Italy instead

About 80% of young people between 15 and 18 years are asked what sense to stay in school. The
92.6% of young people considered underpaid work for those who have a qualification, knowledge is perceived as a simple facility.
63.9% of employees deemed unnecessary things studied in school.
75% of graduates and 85% of graduates do not believe that their preparation is not discriminating to find work.

(from Gazzettino)
" A school modeled on a system that dates back to the early twentieth century - the classroom, desk, desks - is now fully alien to the cultural needs of young people. Does not develop the ability to learn a school unable to take advantage of new technologies, not compete with the boom of the audio-visual with text messages, with all those stimuli that bombard young people ... a school that will continue to lag and, I suspect, will continue to lose and to break up a huge wealth of intelligence ... necessary that the Italian school is finally the "transmissivity" of knowledge from the chair to the banks. " Luigi Berlinguer, the former education minister, now an expert in Brussels that the European Parliament discussing with our colleagues in future strategies for education.

isogna move from teaching professor and student-structured tasks in new ways, practical use of" student oriented "with small group work, self-assessment of students and their participation in the planning ... the web is today the new Gutenberg "

what is learned in 70% of cases does not come from schools.
.. If you do not change the challenge is lost. "

Of these we have already spoken in 2006

School in 2008 Liquid and closing schools

latest School that Noia 2009
and Digital School illiterate digital

debate on Knol

and 10 errors in education

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Average Cost For Full Head Weave

split personality '

L'avevo scritto tempo fa: staro' invecchiando, ma commentare il mondo mi circonda con la sola ironia e leggerezza e' un lusso che non mi sento piu' di permettermi. Stretto nelle vesti dello scherzo continuo, ho quindi dato sfogo alla mia schizofrenia e creato quello che si propone come un blog "serio", che questo non vuole e non deve essere.


Detto questo, Italianate a Dublino prosegue come sempre, a vedere il - prepotente! - lato divertente della vita di un emigrato irlandiano. ;)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Carolina Biological Supply Cell Respiration Lab


Inflation school / training

Several scholars at the European level, including Marie Duru Bellat *, dealing with sociology and economics of education are assuming that in advanced societies is being shown in excess of schooling, called Overschooling.
Above a certain limit the crescista schooling would not be useful in the socio-economic development of a country. Duru Bellat quote l'OCSE, nel rapporto Education at a Glance del 2006, sostiene che al di sopra di una media di 7,5 anni di scuola, gli effetti positivi sulla crescita economica tendono a diminuire.

La media di scolarizzazione nei paesi avanzati EU è di 11,8 anni, ecessiva e controproducente, creando una sorta di inflazioni scolatsica/formativa che non gioverebbe al paese. ( L'inflation scolaire )
Tra gli esempi diversi Paesi del blocco ex-comunista, con un livello di scolarizzazione mediamente elevato, altissima percentuale di laureati, ma PIL sottozero e redditi personali bassi.

Viene messa così in discussione l’opinione diffusa, vedi Ivan Illich ( Deschooling Society ) or concepts related to human capital , that bring more young people as possible with their qualifications and / or graduate promote economic and social justice.
The development of education is not an end in itself, Duru-Bellat, justifying "educational inflation". Need more training for what purpose?

See also European teachers

European teachers

approfondisci ( )

in press ---

* Marie Duru-Bellat, sociologue spécialiste des questions d’éducation, est professeur à l’IEP de Paris et chercheur à l’Observatoire Sociologique du Changement et à l’Institut de Recherche en Education (IREDU). Elle travaille sur les politiques éducatives et les inégalités sociales et sexuées dans le système scolaire. Parmi ses ouvrages récents, on compte : L’école des filles. Quelle formation pour quels rôles sociaux ?, L’Harmattan, 2004 ; Les inégalités sociales at school. Genesis and myths, PUF, 2002; Inflation school. The disillusionment of meritocracy, Seuil, 2006.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Strawberry Masterbate

Sunday, November 15, 2009

List Of Tech Deck Tricks For Beginners


Friday, November 6, I presented Without shelter library Mondadori di Vicenza. My friend Gianni, who was in the front row, I wrote this thinking.

Hello Stefano

A thought on the evening of Friday, November 6, 2009

At this point I am only interested to know what to believe and should not be poetry.
not do politics or political power, not a religion or religious power. It is not sentimentality but flesh and flesh is born crying.
Poetry comes from inner suffering, as schizophrenia, manic search times, that it can become and beauty (if it is true that this alone will save us). The poet is a craftsman of the word, that word that sometimes, as I said, struggling to find themselves and then you have to wait for, but by going to meet. I believe that poetry should not stand anywhere or be a party. Of any color, black or red or white. Comparison is with the things of the world itself, and especially with yourself. The poem is almost a state of trans, (these days, obviously not confusion), rather a state of wonder and ecstasy. The craftsman of the word reaches something that will never be satisfied. And yet try again to write, assemble disassemble, smooth putting together and writing life, love and death in different ways, with all the ensuing complications: pain, love for poetry and for themselves.

it follows in this cataclysmic event, yes! that God is dead. We do not need more.

And the poem is serious and what should I believe that it is better not to know the effect that when someone or someone finds out ends. This is to reiterate the constant search to be made. It would be trite to say that it's almost like a woman who never ceases to know, especially when it's love for her. But it is also important to know that is a mutual thing that makes you feel something good.

Good weekend
Hello thanks.


on Blanc found some of his poems.

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Does It Mean When A Person Gets Chills

Stephen Cannella Crozzoletti

Dear Stephen,

I recently completed my journey to the homeless. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for this thy work, who not only write poetry, but you live, giving it meaning, making it breathe. I do not think it is only a book for insiders. It 'a book for those who love poetry, understood not as a mere exercise in good writing, but as a path that leads to a (responsible) freedom.

My impressions are limited to only some of topics you covered in the book, those on which I focused more, I shall return, because there are many thoughts that crowded in my head, I'm trying to untangle. Impressions are very personal, unpretentious. Maybe mine was an improper reading, perhaps I went to look for what I wanted to find.

Poetry "does not serve anyone." It "shows us a model report no masters and no slaves. I do not think a little. "It 's been the starting point of this trip, and was also the arrival point.

The poem, the "honest", is free. Did not owners because the poet when he writes, breathes on its own. In verse one often comes along a bumpy road, looking for questions and answers, by appointing his own ghosts, ordering his thoughts and to be freed. In the end, you choose. However, the choice is never the point of arrival: it starts, it starts again. You say: "I write to get ready to choose, freedom of thought, which opens direction and breath." It 's so, it should be.

constraints there are, the language is a constraint. The items are both cage and knotted sheets, thrown out the window of the cell to reach the outside. There is the bond of responsibilities ("do the best you can"), the need to be there, not to be outside, even if you do not write poetry "civil" in the strict sense.

I was particularly involved in the chapter on rent and finite, where talk of writing close to the margin. Writing: "if the slack from the extreme edge is approached and attended by the author, the work and the same finite in it breathing is less singular, almost to zero by the open era to which they belong ..." .

I'm not sure I have grasped the meaning of your words, but the head was slowly formed a picture: the margin (unreachable, unspeakable) as a kind of moving line, moving away and approaching in the light of experience, age, feel, that you accept the risk of running .

Close to the edge I imagined the word dangling from his lips. Below is a ravine and opens up the sky. In any case, it is vertigo. In any case, the jump in the air does not provide protection, shelter. There is this to be suspended, this time in the balance, the words come by themselves or they are seized, brought to him, worked on a line, christened. Before being delivered to others. May fall on the ground or flying. There are times when I like to see the words down, dirty with mud, others I prefer to see them take off, or suspended in midair, about to stop. I'm going off topic ...

I found very interesting (again, your words are wise beyond) the section on "challenge to the strength of the text" challenge in which, say, the author comes into play, along with the criticism. Individual work on their texts author is primarily a work on oneself, the truth value of his writing and thinking behind all the writing, the result of a certain way of life and feeling.

In addition to the trial (necessary) on the "leak" of a text carried by the critics, I think is important in the history of the personal work "in the silence of his study" (maybe the kitchen?) Is the single author . If the text "takes", if over time it will be true in all honesty, beyond the contingencies, as well as the emotions of the moment, then we can truly say that poetry "does not serve anyone." And for this writer is, in space and time of a poem, free, with the possibility, almost a responsibility, to push the boundaries. Not cheap.

Stefania Crozzoletti

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Big Boob And High Heel

Manuel Cohen

Dear Stephen,

where to start? Lately, I have always from the apology: I apologize for the long silence following the arrival of your book, arrival of which I have not thanked you, and I do now.

I'm sorry because this fall they are pressured by deadlines and a number of outstanding commitments, in addition to the usual weekly routine Rome-Brussels-Liège ... and the books that arrive are piling up, and sometimes not enough s'entusiasmo, especially if the reading work concerns a ponderous and powerful as yours, and not the plaquette short verses.

You and I know very well how a letter is inadequate and unsatisfactory in comparison with the value ratio and, yes, the value of your critical work. Meanwhile, I'll give you my most dear and believe congratulations: You have drawn a field whose latitudes may cause envy in those who do not! It 's the kind of critical recognition, for the amplitude spectrum or prospects, that you take, which I suck so much! Without shelter is a beautiful book. This is from the title. Dry, clear, essential, honest, sharp and refined.

Are you a good critic, I had read here and there, in magazines or on operations anywhere in the apparitions, and I felt the strength and rigor. But read 'homeless', not only confirms some feelings, but I am surprised, very surprised you can in your readings are at once rigorous, faithful, yet extremely unpredictable. Can you ask the reader with references so beautiful, and with a complexity of reading, philosophical background, that continuous bonding between literature and refined ontology .... For example: how to write about the group Anterem. E ', with ease. I find that much right (once you would have said: noble) that you've dedicated a study so complex Anterem group: we both know how much work there is, and how much effort in drawing up a serious magazine, that makes sense, chasing a primary sense, and we know that many efforts are often accompanied by the silence surrounding.

The arguments with which to address the theoretical issues in the first section, but also in the second correlative on the 'canon' are not only convincing and I shared very reasonable. You have the ability to consciously and with full autonomy commensurate with the enormous issues, and all the aporia on writing.

Then, the section of reading, even if you want, the most delicious, and best able to meet a lot of curiosity about authors and their writings, said that often, the authors surveyed are never casual, and respond to specific choices of taste, and choices of the field.

E 'obvious, and, believe me, it is not to say that' homeless' is a work destined to become a reference point, a paradigm of confrontation and, for anyone with intellectual honesty to take care of contemporary poetry, and for anyone who has it in high regard.

Dear Stephen, I wanted, for now, to provide all my support, sharing, empathy. Will, è una promessa, pure un mio intervento scritto, che, va da sè, non potrà arrestarsi al grado della semplice secensione.

un caro, sodale saluto, tuo Manuel

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

El Quadriderm Para Que Sirve

PordenoneLegge (and good)

"Sono molti anni che, a scadenze periodiche, Alberto Arbasino invoca polemicamente un coefficiente di qualità con cui ordinare delle classifiche, fra i libri, alternative a quelle di vendita. Come mai, si chiede Arbasino, alberghi e ristoranti si misurano a stelle (o a forchette & cappelli) e per qualcosa di almeno altrettanto nobile come i libri contano solo ed esclusivamente i dati di mercato? It's as if McDonald's was considered the best restaurant. In truth such an initiative already exists in Germany, and also by us, for movies, they all know some of quality assessment that has, as they say, many attempts at imitation. Yet it is the arbitrariness of the subjective assessment to make constitutively idiosyncratic, and therefore unreliable, a ranking like that.

Until a few decades ago there would be no need for a similar initiative. Existed in this area a "close company", to quote Leopardi: a community of readers, professional or otherwise, which he knew what were the works to be read, perhaps to hate them. They were largely the same people who will call your attention to writing books, other products related solely to the accounting offices of the publishers. Today of course is no longer so. Far from regretting the company close - with its rituals of membership, its classism, mortgages ideological (in the worst of the term), the inextricable intertwining of personalities and grudges - we are witnessing with dismay (or, by some snob, nihilistic with enthusiasm) to be lost, suddenly, in any proportion between books and books of quality entertainment. The very expression "publishing of culture "that once, without distinction and which are necessary prerequisites, you knew exactly what it has become outdated and, in fact, incongruously snobbish. For a long time now that the success (or failure) in sales of any "cultural product", it seems clear a priori any possible discussion on the value of works of art, and even the content - the lifestyles, world views, expectations of the future - they always carry. If the only valid measurement parameter relies on the secularized Providence that common sense has long been identified in the market, that of literature - like the other arts - could really be reduced to an ornamental role.

It is against this state of affairs it intends to respond to the initiative of the rank of quality promoted by (Gian Mario Villalta, Alberto Garlini, Valentina Gasparet), and the three founding members of the Prize "Stephen Dedalus" - Alberto Casadei, Andrea Cortellessa, Guido Mazzoni. They have identified 100 'Big Players' who, professionally or not, follow the contemporary literature. On a regular basis, this jury will evaluate the books of Italian literature published in the last months, the sum of the votes will compose a list. At least once a year will proposta anche una classifica della letteratura straniera tradotta in italiano.

Della giuria fanno parte critici e scrittori – ma anche traduttori e mediatori culturali, storici e filosofi, consulenti editoriali, critici di discipline che non siano la letteratura; e poi autori, registi e attori del teatro e del cinema. Le persone che hanno accettato di partecipare sono diverse per estrazione, formazione e gusti, come del resto i promotori di questa iniziativa. Esprimono idee della letteratura, competenze, scelte di poetica differenti. L’obiettivo era quello di creare un gruppo che fosse rappresentativo dello spazio letterario italiano e della sua varietà conflittuale. L’unica esclusione preventiva about those writers and critics who are also, by trade, heads of publishing houses and makers of the cultural pages. In agreement with the organizers of, has chosen not to involve them not to stir up conflict of interest or embarrassment in the voting. Except that the other jurors and the Dedalus prize for the winners of its previous editions, our readers are united by other criteria: age. Despite the fragmentation of knowledge and cultural practices, many data points are similar between those who today has thirty years and who has a fifty. [...]"

Alberto Casadei, Andrea Cortellessa, Guido Mazzoni

I 100 major players, "Andrea Damiano Abeni Afribo Giancarlo Alfano Joseph Antonelli Silvia Ballestra Pierpaolo Antonello Andrea Stefano Bartezzaghi Barenghi Bajan Mario Alberto Marco Bellocchio Cecilia Bello Minciacchi Belpoliti Mario Benedetti Sonia Bergamasco Clotilde Bertoni Alberto Bertoni Elisa Biagini Gianni Gianni Biondillo Bonina Angela Borghesi Silvia Bre Daniela Brogi Franco Buffoni Calandrone Maria Grazia Maria Teresa Carbone Roberto Casagrande Andrea Carnero Grace Church stands Guido Stefano Chiodi Stefano Ciavatta Margherita Crepax Stefano Dal Bianco Andrea Di Consoli Matthew Jesus Paolo Di Paolo Raffaele Donnarumma Monica D 'Onofrio Monica Farnetti Paul Febbraro Massimo Roberto Galan Fusillo Stefano Massimo Gallerani Margherita Ganeri Gezzi Daniele Paolo Giglioli Marco Giovannetti Juvenal Claudio Miguel gotor Andrea Giunta English Janeczek Helena Clare Lagani Lagioia Nicola Raffaele Valerio Magrelli Channel Nine Massimo Michele Aldo Mari Ottonieri Tommaso Onofri Gabriele Fulvio Panzeri Antonio Pascale Pedullà Pierluigi Pellini Silvio Perrella Daniele Piccini Domenico Pinto Alessandro Piperno Gilda Policastro Laura Pugno Fabio Pusterla Massimo Raffaele Salvatore Rocco Ronchi Found Martin Rueff Evelina Santangelo Alessandra Sarchi Scarlini Domenico Luca Scarpa Tiziano Scarpa Beppe Sebaste Gianluigi Simonetti Antonio Spadaro Pietro Francesco Stella Spirit Italo Testa Enrico Testa Giuseppe Emanuele Trevi Anthony Traina Luigi Fabio Tricomi Weber Zinelli Paul Zublena Edoardo Zuccato


1) Max Rizzante, We're not the last , Effigy, p.

21 2) Andrea stands, Class , Bollati Boringhieri p. 20

3) Guido Crainz, Autobiography of a republic, Donzelli, P. 16

3) Massimo Fusillo, aesthetics of literature, the Mill, p. 16

5) Maria Michela Sassi, The beginnings of philosophy in Greece , Bollati Boringhieri p. 14

6) Sergio Luzzatto, Bonbon Robespierre, Einaudi, p. 11

7) Mario Perniola Miracoli e traumi della comunicazione , Einaudi, p. 8

7) Franco Vazzoler, Il chierico e la scena , il melangolo, p. 8

9) Clotilde Bertoni, Letteratura e giornalismo , Carocci, p. 6

9) Enzo Bianchi, Perché pregare, come pregare , San Paolo, p. 6

9) Furgio Brugnolo, La lingua di cui si vanta Amore , Carocci, p. 6

9) Franco Cassano, Tre modi di vivere il sud , Il Mulino, p. 6

9) Debenedetti-Pilati, La guerra dei trent’anni , Einaudi, p. 6

9) Ferretti-Zinati, Volponi personaggio di novel, Manni, p. 6

9) Stephen Wilhelm, Without shelter, The Happy Life, p. 6

9) Massimo Recalcati Melancholy and creation in Van Gogh , Bollati Basic Books, p. 6

9) Jim Dale, Vice read , Rizzoli, p. 6

9) Amedeo Vigorelli, Disgust time , Mimesis, p. 6

9) Luigi Zoja, Against Ismene, Bollati Basic Books, p. 6

20) Ilvo Diamonds, Syllabary sad time, Feltrinelli, p. 5

21) Roberto Andreotti, backfires , BUR, p. 4

21) Attilio Brilli, The journey to the East, Oxford University Press, p. 4

21) Emiliano Morreale, The invention of nostalgia , Donzelli, P. 4

21) Domenico Vecchioni, Sneakers , Olympia, p. 4

25) Linnie Accorroni, 69 positions, Cathedral, p. 3

25) Michael Smargiassi, Genuine lie , Contrast, p. 3

27) Diana Balmori, Between the river and city , Bollati Basic Books, p. 2

27) Claudio Marazzini, Word order , Il Mulino, p. 2

27) Massimo Christmas Il canto delle idee , Marsilio, p. 2

27) Elena Pulcini, La cura del mondo , Bollati Boringhieri, p. 2

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wedding Blessing Samoa

Matthew Bonsante

Caro Stefano,

il tuo bel libro mi è giunto solo ieri (siamo tornati, come ti dicevo, domenica sera) e nonostante in questo periodo sia "dentro un problema" di cui poi ti dirò, non ho saputo resistere dallo sfogliarlo, leggere l'articolo che mi riguarda e scoprire un mondo intero col tuo primo capitolo: POESIA E PRESENTE. Conoscevo in parte il tuo pensiero sulla poesia perciò aspettavo con una certa impazienza questo tuo contributo che supera ogni aspettativa, ogni più felice intuizione di ciò che avevi in cantiere. Il tuo procedere con rigore scientifico nella disamina di ciò che è e ciò che rappresenta la poesia per noi, gente della 'gettatezza' , è sorprendente. E' un libro da chevet , caro Stefano, da leggere e da rileggere, perché molte sfaccettature di cui si adorna hanno bisogno di molte riflessioni. I punti con cui concordo sono tutti, salvo prediligerne alcuni nel senso che mi vengono adesso in mente, come per es. la poesia è il nostro tempo più vero , oppure la poesia non è a disposizione di alcuna volontà, nemmeno di quella del poeta (sto andando a caso) il non dover organizzare Riviste come fortilizi , che la poesia (così come il mondo), "non serve nessuno" ma siamo noi a servirci, nella misura delle nostre capacità di 'leggere' o di 'avvicinarci' allla poesia (come al mondo), che la poesia deve essere 'onesta' cioè rispecchiare qualcosa che 'è', ed 'è'... al di là di noi stessi, o nonostante noi stessi! da qui il rapporo tra l'io e l'arte etc. etc. tutto un susseguirsi di 'eventi luminosì' (non semplici idee) che veramente illuminano di nuova fiamma la nostra Arte. Bravo Stefano, continuerò a leggere e a scriverti le mie impressioni. Seguirti, è una vera ascesa nell'aria limpida e pura delle mattine di prima estate. E' un percorso che dà un senso di allargamento di noi stessi, e 'opera' proprio come 'opera' una bella poesia che ci colma. Sì, Stefano, il tuo bel libro ci colma come un presagio di... sicuro riparo . Nel tuo libro c'è qualcosa di duro, forse oscuro - come accade ad ogni vera poesia - ma che conduce, spinge in avanti... ci lascia scivolare in ciò che bellamente chiami destino .

Nel mio piccolo cercherò di divulgarlo. Ne ho parlato ai miei figli, uno è matematico a Pavia e l'altra è architetto a Roma. E ne sto parlando con mia moglie che è docente di Storia dell'Arte a Bari e quindi molto sensibile a questi temi. Ho ricevuto tra l'altro in questi giorni "Atelier" dove c'è una nutritissima intervista fatta da Giuliano Ladolfi a Daniele Pegorari che ti cita tra i critici più promettenti. Ben detto. Oltre che poeta, naturalmente.
Insomma, Stefano, ti sono vicino in questo momento di vera gioia sia per te che per la nostra Arte.

Un forte abbraccio... e, ad maiora!!!!


Su Blanc de ta nuque  poesie di Matteo Bonsante

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tiffany Towers Screensaver

Reb Stein

Scrive Francesco Marotta ne La dimora del tempo sospeso : "Tra un paio di settimane pubblicherò un altro estratto dal libro di Stefano, e vi allegherò una mia nota di lettura. Si tratta, in ogni caso, di un’opera importante dove si intrecciano il rigore etico e la dottrina dello scrittore e dello studioso, la passione per la scrittura e un’innata, inappagata tensione all’ascolto: fuori da ogni steccato di mandato, di scuola e di appartenenza, seguendo unicamente quella traccia fatta di ricerca e libertà interiore che è anche la matrice prima da cui scaturisce il suo lavoro poetico.

Leggendo e rileggendo questo libro, I can not think of how much voluntary blindness is hidden in the words of many who bemoan the lack of a critique of "serious" and can "freely" to state lines and perspective, supported by a theoretical result of the study and application, of attention and work on texts, not patched or, at best, amateur ...

and if you try at least once, to look outside the "circle" that they advertise the badge of belonging? "

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby Born Congratulation Wording

The residence time of suspended

Without shelter The hospitality is at home of suspended time, the blog of Francesco Marotta, where you are sure to spend a few hours in good company, among old friends, some of which have left a witness I like to bring. I do also to highlight the work done by Gabriela Fanta, director of the series "Look", and the publisher, Gerardo Mastrullo.

"I go a bit 'by the topic of the post, specifically the writing of poets Anterem, say something to Wilhelm's book as a whole. I'm reading and I have not finished yet, because the proposed Stefano is dense and requires time and attention, and is divided into different sections of reflections and readings. Without taking anything away from the other first struck me greatly, Poetry and finitude, which is an argument without support or network, which does not refer to an author or group of authors but to poetry as a whole, needs and the consequences of write. I state that very wary of those who write about writing, in many cases it seems to me that you will face the risk of a short self. Not in the case of Wilhelm, who in the first twenty pages (What is poetry, what language, what experience, dis-The fact of the poem, what does the poem, because writing) make black White on a series of concepts that anyone who writes or reads or look for something in the writing of others I try, or perhaps in a primitive underground. Stefano eviscerates the skeleton instead of writing with a disarming lucidity, he said references, the causes, the end if it exists. For me, I'm taking the rest, they first apply to have more pages of a book, and the confirmation of human and intellectual stature of Wilhelm. The fact that in this post are somehow united two of the people of greater stature that I have been lucky enough to know (a more "chaotic", fm, and a more "rhizomatic", st) can only make me very happy '.

Francesco Tomada

«Libro molto denso, soprattutto nella parte centrale. Le prime pagine sono particolarmente belle, in alcuni passaggi anche da un punto di vista letterario. C’è poi tutto un discorso sul canone che è molto dotto. Come dicevo privatamente a Stefano, la cosa interessante di alcuni libri appena usciti, compreso il suo, è il fatto che, almeno in parte, siano stati nutriti dal lavoro in rete che, per un periodo almeno, ha fatto circolare un medesimo gruppo di autori sui quali si è potuto ragionare con un'attenzione sicuramente più libera, poi approdata alla sintesi del libro. È, quindi, uno dei pochi casi di libri che hanno anticipato il contenuto in rete. Nella series looks at least two papers have come out very dense: the collective, POETRY AND MEAT (ed. M. T. Burr and wages, and that, beautiful, Marco Ercolani, dizziness and measures'.

Sebastian Aglieco

"I applaud this critical work of Stephen, and here I greet him with affection. I know its rigor and its ability to dig into the workshop of the word led to years of study, through his blog, his intense, never superficial curiosity. "

Fabio Franzin

" I started the book of Stephen, like Sebastian, and I can only be felice di questo rigoroso sguardo sulla poesia contemporanea che i tre ultimi libri editi dalla Vita Felice sanno offrire, invitando il lettore a un’attenzione durevole nel tempo. Grazie anche a Gabriela Fantato che, di questi tre libri, è stata la paladina, e a Gerardo Mastrullo che li ha accolti nelle sue edizioni. C’era bisogno, io credo, di aprire uno scavo nell’officina della parola poetica di questi ultimi anni. Mi auguro che altri libri li seguano. Inoltre, credo, è la prima volta che si delinea un’attenzione critica profonda alla scrittura dei poeti di “Anterem”».

Marco Ercolani

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ap Bio Lab 5 Cell Respiration Analysis Questions

without shelter. Poetry and finiteness

Introductory note


POETRY AND finiteness

I. Poetry and this

1. What is poetry

2. What language, what experience?

3. The dis-fact poetry

4. What does the poem

5. "Why do you write?"

II. Letters from the finiteness (in dialogue with Tiziano Salari)

1. Exile and childhood in Pastures and Pavese

2. Beauty and truth after Baudelaire

III. Writing spring the poets of "Anterem"

IV. Poetry, the public and the late twentieth century Italian

V. Convergence issues of Italian poetry today

Part Two


I. Canon and finiteness

1. Literature, history, ontology

2. The subversion of the finite and the fee physiological

3. Canon physiological and literary historiography

4. The criticism and the truth value of the work

II. Canon and singularities: two examples

1. Gnosticism and Judaism in the Canon by Harold Bloom

2. The fee generation of Gertrude Stein

III. The Everlasting. In the margin of an essay of G. Marano

IV. Blanc de ta Nuqui

Marina Mariani, Luciano Troisi, Adam Vaccaro, Fabrizio Bianchi, Gabriella Musetti, Lucetta Frisa, Cannillo Luigi, Gennaro Grieco, Antonella Pizzo, Tiziana Colusso, Luisa Pianzola, Paolo Donini, Nicholas Ponzio, Lucianna Argentino, Pier Maria Galli, Francesco Tomada, Ghignoli Alessandro, Vincenzo Della Mea, Andrea Raos, Zoic Silvia, Silvia Comoglio, Fabiano Alborghetti, Silvia Monti, Paolo Fichera, Alessandra Palmigiano, Mario Fresa, Frank Pellegrino, Stefano Salvi, Francesca Matteoni, Chiara De Luca, Lorenzo Carlucci, Danni Antonello, Alessandra Conte, Matteo Fantuzzi

Part Three


Cristina Annino: happiness is a hump harmony

Fantato Gabriela: the transformation of land and water

Anna Maria Farabbi: the ancestral sings in the soft part

Paola F. Febbraro: If the flesh flies away in the workings of the world

Mariangela Gualtieri: skinned words to an absent God

Graziella Isgrò: logical effort and the ex

notes in the margin to five contemporary poets :

Aglieco, Cogo, Bonsante, Franzini, Marotta


Anania, Calandrone, Curcetti, Juvenal, Massari, Pepe, I give, Sannella



Index of names

id general

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Winchester Model 1400 Mkii

Digital Natives Digital Immigrant Teachers II

N e già nel febbraio 2006 parlavamo

now they are realizing other and everyone is talking about ( Espresso )

time ago Panorama

e anche su Panorama Blog

ma anche altri ( ADI Associazione Docenti Italiani) vedi post sotto

peccato che siano passati 3 anni ma nel frattempo nulla è cambiato

e la school is increasingly School Liquid .

Non Forgiveness Poems

illiterate of the 21st century - Digital School - School

, takes certain cues from newsletter ADI
we have already 'TALK (see archive post 2006) " the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who will not learn, unlearn and start to learn (Alvin Toffler) "

" education has remained immobile in the face of changes of the 21st century
  • Society has changed: globalization, radical changes brought about by digital technologies, demographic shifts, changes in values \u200b\u200band behavior.
  • Students have changed: nativi digitali, abituati a ricevere informazioni in tempo reale, a gestire processi paralleli e multitask, a lavorare per immagini più che su testi scritti, in costante connessione a internet, a ricercare gratificazioni immediate, dotati di scarsa capacità di pensiero critico, riflessione e giudizio.

….gli istituti scolastici sono inadeguati alle caratteristiche emergenti della società"

La società digitale consente e richiede:

1) nuove modalità e ruoli nella gestione dell'istruzione dei giovani, consisting, for example:

  • transition from traditional classroom teacher assigned to a variable group of students managed by teams of teachers
  • a housing school that includes a) the possibility of individual work stations for students, b) areas for large groups, c) environments for small groups
  • organization of school time that includes time-space larger than the normal lessons for the study of thematic units together with a breakdown of the school year and in shorter periods of three or four months
  • a modification of the role of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge and information to that of facilitator of learning

2) introducing new figures and an extension of the learning environment:

  • use of mentors and other human resources, such as parents and members of the local community
  • estensione di ambienti di apprendimento ad altre scuole e ad altri luoghi del territorio
  • svolgimento dei programmi scolastici non solo dentro ma anche fuori la scuola con il riconoscimento, ai fini della valutazione, anche delle performance e produzioni esterne
  • costante interazione on-line

3) la possibilità che lo studente assuma in prima persona la gestione e il controllo del proprio apprendimento, diventi insieme produttore and consumers of knowledge, providing that:

  • students can count on an online connection with teachers, mentors and peers, when they feel the need
  • have learning opportunities available online from home, from school or anywhere else
  • study exceed the boundaries of space and time: the resources are accessible online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Clonazepam Dosage Dogs

interesting signal Giorgio Jannis post on
" And the old-fashioned school will collapse, implode quietly because the bits do not make noise, blind and deaf and dumb will become a place full of stimuli, normal, appropriate to the times and therefore transparent, where students learn to be citizens experiencing first hand the tools of digital and territorial, the media and places of personal expression and document archives, and not (at best) simply by studying them. obscurantist leaders and teachers and traditionalist would star in a quiet bubble detached from the world and modern social, and instead will be forced to liquid modernity of communication capable of sneak and pluck the walls of isolation. "

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Posts On Others Walls

Sightseeing in Dubrovnik to Split

  • The walls of Dubrovnik
  • The Old Port
  • Tower Minceta
  • La Fortezza di San Giovanni
  • Fortress Revelin
  • La Fortezza Lovrijenac
  • La Chiesa di San Salvatore
  • Il Convento di Santa Chiara
  • La Chiesa di San Biagio
  • Il Palazzo Sponza
  • Il Palazzo del Rettore

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