Sunday, February 28, 2010

Large Lollipops Toronto

Fierro, at Il Piccolo

The poet? It's a free man

poet's experience is unique and unrepeatable, because when we write we expose ourselves completely, as we are. " So the new book about Stephen Wilhelm Without shelter. Poetry and finiteness presented at Ubik. A work of poetic criticism, which offers a deep and varied look at poetry in Italy now. "Wilhelm poetic criticism is very much love, respect and courage in telling it like it is - said Francesco Tomada in the present - has the culture necessary to operate a viable synthesis of the national scene. " Wilhelm lives in Schio, a poet, novelist, and one of the blogs by reference to the poetic reality: . "The book started out strong philosophical presuppositions - Wilhelm said -, I have always questioned the relationship between the ego and writing, and his ontological relationship with language. For twenty years, I wonder about the sense of identity in relation to the travel, especially with poetry. " Questions of a path that was articulated in time, full of ideas and thoughts because it is now that the "militant critics compare with contemporary writing." Wilhelm noted that, in our present, "the poet brings into play all the time, and the public interest because it has more power, does not handle parts of the capital, is free and can truly say, tell. His is a direct reading, without shelter. " This message and its power come to the public, the individual, "if one realizes that the poet is disarmed. Because his poetry is cut off, in part, on the one I aggressively. In this new relationship between poet and audience creates a significant swing of being together. " Comments and thoughts that emerge in the work of Wilhelm forcefully, clearly. "The arrogance and poet to escape from everyday noise must parlare sottovoce». Necessario quindi un confronto con il testo, che «rivela l’autore a se stesso, fra le pieghe delle parole scritte; testo che il critico deve attraversare, per aprire uno sguardo inaspettato.

Giovanni Fierro Uscito su "Il Piccolo" di Trieste, il 15 febbraio 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Recovery Time Cervical Polyp

InfoAttenzione - iNFOTENTION -

What are the cognitive skills essential to living in the world in the digital age?

Howard Rheingold has identified four:
  • attention, or more precisely infotention , How can we learn and praticare nuove forme di attenzione nell'era digitale?

  • collaborazione , Come possiamo favorire forme significative e innovative di collaborazione?

  • awareness of the network, to wareness Network , As you can acquire a sense of what the extended network is / and what it can accomplish?

  • participation How do you encourage 'interaction and meaningful participation?
We also need to know how to learn, unlearn and relearn ( Alvin Toffler ), see what does not, then find a way to unlearn the old patterns and learn how to learn.

Art is whatever the artist wants bring to our attention. Art is an act of attention the artist wishes to invoke in the audience (Duchamp ) up to extreme forms in the pop art of Andy Warhol .
We are moving in an economy of phasing out the economics of property (Richard A. Lanham attention economy )

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Temporary Driver's Licence Ontario

February 11: No shelter in Gorizia


presso la libreria Ubik
corso verdi 119


without shelter. POETRY and finiteness of
Stephen Wilhelm
(this will be the author)

The essay (The Happy Life) could be classified as a critical text
poetic, but first of all a careful mapping of poetry
contemporary Italian on a scale of merit and not of convenience.
Un libro ricchissimo di spunti di riflessione e di considerazioni sorprendenti.