Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Implantation Bleeding And Clear Mucus

Generation 2000 + - M2 generation -

If the 2010 can be regarded as the Year Zero for the Italian school,
2020 will be the end of the school to generate 2000 +.

In a recent special on the 2010 Horace Nicephorus Tuttoscuola
writes "The advent of the internet especially in its interactive versions of" the famous web2.0,
one part moves the new generation 2000 + , the digital natives ,
other, "the static inertial recurrence of the old school as perceived by students as
unnecessarily complicated, boring, stiff ...
and throws a few questions:
  • "the school may be put out of play ... (See survey Censis 2009) perceived as a useless institution? "
  • " digital natives born in the third millennium ... immersed in an aging society, how to watch the professor? "
  • " ... if the traditional model of teaching is in crisis facing students today, what will happen in 10 years ?..."

"If the school will be the same as today it is easy to provide for who will risk becoming a colossal institution
useless ... deligittimato serving as the principal agent of formation of new generations
... "he speaks of educational emergency

There is a need curricula in tune with the characteristics of Generation 2000 + (M2 Generation) ...

what in the UK was the National Curriculumm .

and what is happening in U.S.
will open the discussion on the topic also here ...
the global challenges of the millennium,
the reversal in place of the relationship between formal and informal
(for which only 30% of knowledge is now acquired through school, 70% passed out), the
'urgent need' a profound process of reform of the education system, "
the need to" overcome the plant encyclopedia-notional "
the "centrality of learning as engagement and involvement of the pupil and its potential acquisition of knowledge '...
between the specific objectives to be achieved in school," the revision of curricula to adapt to the social demands of today's culture "

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pain On Left Side Of Back Above Waist

Call: January 27

Mercoledì 27 gennaio
ore 18,oo

libreria EQUILIBRI

via Farneti, 11
20129 Milano

Presentazione del libro di saggi critici sulla poesia

poetry and finiteness
Stephen Wilhelm

editions Happy Life 2009 - Necklace LOOK


Ottavio Rossi

Dialogano con l’autore:

Gabriela Fantato , Luigi Cannillo , Corrado Bagnoli , Sebastiano Aglieco

Leggono i poeti:

Francesco Marotta , Adam Vaccaro , Paolo Donini , Fabrizio Bianchi

you look!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Low Fetal Heartbeat At 34 Weeks

Margherita in Milan andthe

It The residence time of suspended :

I find it truly what I have heard be an inductive approach to the topic: "What does the poem" → what is the poem (of course in the topic then triggers the reverse), which I think make good that great concept of a poem that "spatializes time" ( in a sort of general relativity): "What does" defines the action, movement and speed of change, that "touch"-revitalizing-;

"with her skin" defines its own space instead of being "Poetry is ...".

The image of the skin I find it amazing, the poetry in his own skin or is no longer in the skin (which changes) and as a stretch-sensitive skin to be modeled based on that of "highly mobile substance," to a Another great step below in exchange inside-outside, so as to be penetrated in un unicum (la poesia appunto) sia la sostanza mobilissima, sia la sua pelle-reticolo di linguaggio-forma.

Inoltre sempre la pelle ben rende il movimento elastico di vestizione del presente, non fondato (statico), ma rilasciato (dinamico).

Beh, adesso accelero :), aggiungendo quanto ho trovato interessanti le tue osservazioni relative al darsi “civile” (in senso ontologico)della poesia, anche di quella lirica, per quel suo stare comunque “in-posizione sempre eccedente” “affettivamente gettato”

e in senso sociologico per il fatto “che (la poesia) born and dies in a socio-political "-comments that I think you and develops in another way later in the" why do you write "- when (you) answer:" to keep alive another "(wow) -

and even fundamental observations:), those relating to endure poetry by the author (as well as the player), including, of course, in suffering, passion,

passion in what you write and you feel like writing.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How Long Do The Symptoms Of Pancreatitis Last?

Digital Natives and Digital Technology School

I resume post
learn how a Native * Digital

A nightmare lingered in 1998 was said

( resistors multimedia , Computers & Education, Hugony publisher, Year VI, Number 3, September 1998 )
Sometimes we have a nightmare dream to enter the classroom and start talking and see that nobody is following us, nobody understands us, as we speak a language alien.
We arrived??

* " students bring to school, and his requests, with resignation, without enthusiasm ... The school is not up to them. ... Their goal is to survive the school ... "

Young students do not find answers in the cramped classrooms, teaching off
dispersed in a made up of teachers, now digital immigrants. qui
la Scuola sembra essere in Crisi qui

*" E’ una scuola che è già fallita. E’ una scuola oramai scoppiata. Anche se non se n’è ancora accorta... "

In tale modernità liquida si vivono esasperate forme di intolleranza verso ogni tipo di frustrazione, gli individui infatti risultano incapaci di far fronte ad alcuna dilazione della gratificazione, è il tutto e subito, dilatando il presente come unicum possibile; a farne le spese è soprattutto la Scuola , arcaica struttura ottocentesca che sopravvive galleggiando come un dinosauro preistorico doomed to extinction. here

* " Instead of recognizing his own inability (structural and Teaching) acknowledge its users not to be those that the school will be aspettrebbe .. ."

School that Noia here

* " not that the school is organized for a student who no longer exists? .. ."

The illiterate of the 21 'century here

* " I suspect that the" inconvenience "to many students that the school complaint is the sign of this rupture, a break occurred a long time, a break that has opened two different and increasingly divergent paths. The school on one side and the other students .. . "

is the self-trainers of teachers on their role as defense el'arroccarsi

and professors

the parents have different expectations
Redshift Research

*" the school as a whole who has lost his touch with reality, that does not know it lighter, who does not know what answers to give .. . "

School el'aula school lose their dominance and centrality of education, especially for older people, and other external sources acting involved (outsourcing learning). There are doubts about continuity of learning in classrooms, especially in the early stages of education, but this will become even less important throughout the life of the person. According to several studies, 70 to 80% of what we learn is learned on the job "(R. Straub) here

and Implosion of the school here

*" is not about change but to change teaching methods also what is taught in school "

" We must, rather, to renew the program years now ... I do not change the contents of teaching ... " ( M. Cacciari )

change what is taught in the School

greetings and good wishes to the Digital Natives