Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Digital illiteracy and school rejected ultramedialità

Lawrence Lessig to hinder Internet means "to declare war on our children."
"From what we see everyday in our country, we believe that Italy is in the midst of a generational clash." Stresses Luigi Bobbio, everything down innovation clashing against generations accustomed to the era of the remote control, fear of overcoming the status quo.
The web goes beyond the social communication and shared an ecosystem evolving toward cognitive, widespread and increased intelligence, a ultra-medial . "The semantics of the ubiquitous connectivity for objects, geographical resilience of the machines, they should give us pause in looking forward, beginning with the fundamental rights of" netizens ", the new company, continues L. Bobbio .
We are fully digital illiteracy, the new plague cultural distinction that permeates society, but particularly affects the non-digital natives, digital immigrants .
The digital divide in connectivity and the overcoming of any controversy on neutrality can not be solved without thinking deeply the static model of twentieth-century use of the spectrum in a radio.Siamo historical moment when the TV is now traveling on the internet without having to deal directly and exclusively, new frequency bands.
"It is time to open up the innovation of radio-cognitive models and open license. "reiterates Bobbio, thus opening the state-owned federalism / city frequency (frequency spectrum)
"Internet is not a place rather a medium distributed geographically. As the synapses of the human brain are the spatial distribution of our gray matter, not virtuale.L 'anonymity on the Net is an oxymoron and cash equivalents are still identifying the authority of the common citizen. "
freedom ... and the internet are the future of new generations ...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Scuola: bocciata su Web da 2 studenti su 3

Indagine su Internet, ragazzi vorrebbero prof piu' giovani e new media ( Ansa )

Odiano le materie che studiano e non sopportano più compiti in classe e interrogazioni. Gli studenti vorrebbero utilizzare le nuove tecnologie per rendere lo studio meno noioso e più divertente...  la scuola viene rimandata a settembre su internet. E' quanto emerge da uno studio condotto su 1.600 studenti (scuola media e superiore).

Gli studenti non si sentono a proprio agio tra i banchi di scuola (73%). 
And just to change the situation the boys launch their new ideas to improve the school ... younger teachers (35%), the proposal more "explosive" is to use smart phones, and video games in class iPad (67%). If the material must remain the same for power (27%), studying with the new media would at least digestible (75%), as well as improving the relationship between classmates and the teacher (61%).
What students more critical of their school? At first there are the professors who complain because they have the age of their grandparents (39%) who considers them ill-prepared (27%).
Linked to teachers, ma anche all'organizzazione scolastica in generale, i ragazzi criticano i metodi di apprendimento che sono costretti ad utilizzare....  chi non sopporta più i soliti compiti in classe e interrogazioni (55%) e si sente ridicolo ad imparare le cose a memoria (33%), per finire con chi ha già la nausea a pensare di dover ricominciare a leggere, sottolineare e ripetere per tutto l'anno (47%).
Gli alunni, inoltre, puntano il dito verso i programmi delle materie troppo vecchi, sono noiosi e poco interessanti (69%). I ragazzi non risparmiano critiche nemmeno alla struttura degli edifici. Classi fatiscenti (61%), pareti sporche e con colori deprimente (43%), sedie scomode e banchi in stato pietoso (71%).

read more

Friday, August 13, 2010

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Homo Digital, digital wisdom

picks up some interesting considerations Giovanni Cominelli ( here )

" L ' homo sapiens digital the twenty-first century will be wrapped in a fast 'cloud of knowledge that comes from all directions on the Web The first effect: the whole society will be covered by a continuous stream of knowledge, information, research, and therefore consists of a fabric educating potentially widespread and multicentric ."...

" traditional educational systems, such as we have inherited from the second half of the 700, are structurally incapable to address the problems of education ' digital homo sapiens ... "
" E' also expected that their education will increasingly delegated to specialized equipment centralized, rather than be a shared function, widespread and long-practiced plural lines and multiple ganglia of the knowledge society. "

" reject educators. In schools already happens every day when teaching and learning move away each other along lines of fracture ..."

" l’autonomia delle scuole intesa non come decentramento funzionale, ma come auto-organizzazione istituzionale della società educante (persone, famiglie, imprese, comunità locali... LifeLong/ LifeWide Learning "

" Socrate opposes the introduction of writing, because it is losing the memory of tradition. The resistance was not a success: it went from brain oral to brain that writes to brain that reads . Now there are those who, in the name of brain that reads , opposes cervello digitale "

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Holiday resort in Pula

Complesso turistico di Puntizela a Pola
Di ostelli a Pola c'è ne sono tanti , vi consiglio un complesso turistico che offre il soggiorno nel campeggio, nelle casette di legno e nelle abitazioni a tipo ostello, situato in una localita particolarmente bella, sulla costa Istriana sud-occidentale di fronte alle isole di Brijuni.

Puntizela si trova circa sette chilometri distante dal centro di Pola, cinque chilometri da Fazana, punto di partenza per le isole di Brijuni, e una quindicina di chilometri dall'aeroporto di Pola.

L'ostello ha oltre 260 posti letto, adatti alla vacanza di bambini e giovani, e offre la possibilita di sistemazione in appartmenti anche nel paese vicino di Stignano.

Questa company offers the following services:

  • camping
  • hostel for children and young people (with the program "Outdoor School")
  • culinary
  • diving center - Diving Club
  • sports and entertainment agency
  • activities (organization of excursions, currency exchange etc.).

All this takes place on an area of \u200b\u200b15 hectares.

website hostel

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Arriving in Pula? Vacation Rentals in Pula

If you arrive by car:

from the west: Trieste-Koper - Buie -
Pola from the north: Villach - Ljubljana - Koper - Buie -
Pula from the east: Zagreb - Rijeka - Tunnel Monte Maggiore (Učka) - Pazin - Pula

In motorboat or yacht
through the border crossing Pula

By plane: International Airport

Zagreb - Pula airport Distance
road between Pola and some cities 'in Croatia and all' foreign:

River - 102 km,
Zagreb - 288 km,
Dubrovnik - 696 km,
Trieste - 126 km,
Vienna - 593 km,
Frankfurt - 1030 km, Amsterdam
- 1490 km,
London - 1750 km, Monaco
Munich - 607 km,
Milan - 535 km,
Rome - 756 km, Graz
- 398 km.

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Pula is Istria's largest city and administrative center of this region of Croatia. The city offers visitors a pleasant, interesting visits of cultural and historical monuments, walking through parks system is well maintained, excellent cuisine including regional specialties of Istrian and Mediterranean specialties and an outstanding program of cultural events and entertainment.
The city of Pula has 60,000 inhabitants.

for As regards the archeology there is a large presence of traces Illyrian, with many monuments here is one of the largest amphitheater in Pula - Arena. Hosting today many artists and artistic groups world-famous and the famous Film Festival, the Arena connects the old days with the time in which we live.

You can reach Pula by land, sea or air. The airport is only 5 km from the city.

to visit in Pula

  • The Arena, a symbol of the city, built in the first century under the Emperor Vespasian
  • The Temple of Augustus
  • The Golden Gate (Arch of the Sergi)
  • La Porta Hercules
  • Roman theater
  • Castle that overlooks the city's Cathedral
  • The way Sergio, Ulica Sergijevaca today, the main road leading from the Arch of the Sergi square hole
  • Piazza Dante Alighieri, today Danteov Trg, with the church of Our Lady of Mercy, which gives way to the apse, Sergio, and the Post Office building, in fascist style
  • The Gardens The church of Our Lady of the Sea, now Lady Mora or above the Arsenal , on sheets of white and pink marble, consecrated by the Austrians in 1898 as a church
  • The naval port, between Punta and Punta Fisella Christ, with the shipyard Rock Olives
  • Carrara Viale today Balote Mate
  • The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Pula, built by the Austrians in 1915 as a girls' high school, then became the grammar school "Carducci"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

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Digital Culture

"The important issue
is not what technology is doing to us, but what we are doing with the
technology "Henry Jenkins.

Interesting interview with Giuseppe Granieri
che tocca temi alcuni dei quali affrontati nei post

"ci sono molte evidenze scientifiche che indicano come molti di noi stiano utilizzando la tecnologia
in modi che ci rendono più intelligenti..."
alcuni autori infatti parlano di iNFOTENTION
Quali sono le competenze cognitive fondamentali per poter abitare il mondo nell'era digitale?

"We are in a time of transition, our culture is learning to use new tools and new platforms, develop new skills ..."

on N. Negroponte argued

"It's a new civilization. There's just a generational divide between those who are absolutely digital and who is not.
In fact, what I call the "digital homeless" are very intelligent, very good, usually
are wealthy people aged 40 years or more, but a problem came
on this planet too early. These people learn from their children "(N. Negroponte).

"This culture is actually at risk and traditional literacy may be in danger ... "

"education is deeply conservative, and tends to resist changes that have an impact elsewhere ..."
School, archaic nineteenth-century structure that survives as a floating prehistoric dinosaur

"imagine so other than education for the twenty-first century ... "
2020 will be the end of the school to generate 2000 +
(6 th scenario on the future of the school provided by the OECD 2001-2003)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

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are closing in on me. Now the Irish take me to exhaustion, and that's that run of the guards, to make me feel under pressure. In this case, in the form a pair of pigeons who have seen fit to turn out and covarle two eggs in a pot on my balcony .

But I resist. And keep an eye on them. Twenty-four hours a day.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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Ebbene si', riprendiamo da dove avevamo lasciato. Ma non ci spaventiamo, il titolo non e' riferito al sottoscritto, che e' sempre saldamente a Dublino, ma alla storia che andiamo a raccontare oggi. Sugli Irlandesi, ovviamente.

E' in realta' qualcosa di vecchiotto, per la precisione del dicembre 2008. Come riporta l' Independent , l'esercito irlandese - che da sempre e' impegnato solamente in missioni di pace, in primis in Africa, e che e' decisamente "rustico" nella percezione di tutti - ha pensato bene di gonfiare il petto: ed ecco che ti mette in operazione un drone (velivolo automatico senza pilota) per la perlustrazione di un territorio in Ciad peacekeeping missions in which it (the famous UN peacekeepers, in short).

Gia '.

Now, a drone and 'programmed to calculate its flight range and reverse the trend (and return to base) when you just fuel for the return. Only that if you are Irish, and 'likely that something will go wrong, with high technology.

Hence the Brancaleone in the North Sea they forgot to change the coordinates of the registered base in the drone, and that 'and then made to fly to the base camp Curragh, County Kildare, IRELAND .

They're still looking for the dunes of the Sahara.

PS: thanks to Diarmuid T. Being on my source for this and Allowing me to kickstart the blog again with a fantastic example of true Irishness.

Monday, July 26, 2010

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Osijek is situated in the plain of Slavonia in Croatia, the agricultural region stronger. The city is the center and one of the largest city in Croatia. He

cultural offer very attractive.

The city was mentioned for the first time in the twelfth century as a place of the crossing of the river Drava although the first settlements in this area date back to prehistoric times. Osijek is

the capital of the County of Osijek-Baranja, a university campus. It is located 90 m above sea level on the south bank of the Drava. With its 114,616 inhabitants

, Osijek is the fourth of Croatia.

Today there are 90,000 people in Osijek.

site of the city

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

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Attractions in Osijek Rijeka Accommodation Rijeka Croatia

Landmark Buildings in Rijeka

* Town Hall (former home of the Banco di Roma)
* Palace of the State
* Model Building Government House

* * * Palais de Justice Palace Adria

* * Palazzo Palazzo della Filarmonica
* *
Baccich Palace Palace of the High School Italian Venetian

* House * Casa Rinaldi

Religious buildings

* *
St. Vitus Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church of San Sebastiano
* *
Capuchin Church
* Church of San Girolamo
* Orthodox Synagogue River

Other places of interest

* National Theatre Ivan Zajc De
* Marine Museum of History and Civic Tower

* * * Markets Roman Arch
* Remains of the walls Civic
* Ruins of the mills along the launch ramp * ENEA
dell'ex Silurificio
* I bunker realizzati dal Regio Esercito Italiano

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Fiume in croato chiamata Rijeka , invece è chiamato in ungherese Fiume.
Fiume è un importante centro industriale al Nord Adriatico ed il porto croato più vicino alla terraferma. È la città con una lunga storia e forte centro urbano, la città della cultura e dell’arte. È famosa in tutto il mondo per il suo carnevale.
Gli insediamenti in questa zona risalgono alla preistoria e perciò la città d’oggi offre tante località culturali e storici. Oggi a Fiume ci sono 150.000 abitanti. Nel 1910 la città era abitata da 25 mila italiani e per cause della guerra molti italiani iniziarono an exodus to Italy.

The climate is mild, Mediterranean.
River is connected with the highway to the mainland, is only 2 hours from the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. You can reach Rijeka by train, by sea or air. The airport is located near the island of Krk, connected by a bridge to the mainland.

Monday, July 19, 2010

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Nightlife in Zagreb Croatia Split Accommodation

In Zagreb 's summer you puo'divertire much more in the summer because all cities in Croatia are full of tourists every year.

Zagreb in the summer this town 'feel the spirit of fun. In the evening some of the streets and even entire neighborhoods are vibrant crowd, all the bars are full of people willing to have fun. Those
who prefer the excitement of the game and want groped luck, enjoy the countless casinos' hotels in Zagreb.

A particular charm of this city 'no doubt give the coffee shops' and the modern versions, the bar. A chat between friends over a coffee 'or a drink and' a very strong tradition in Zagreb and must always be respected.

Many attend renewed coffee 'on the main square Trg bana J. Jelacica , while young people today are much more 'loyal to the bar in a modern style in Zagreb, there are very many.
those who prefer music and dance with chats definitely will visit 'one of the nightclubs in the city', or clubs, some of these very popular with rich and entertaining programs. But will also enjoy the club with jazz or swing music. Or if one prefers dancing to the rhythms of the waltz, tango, rumba, samba will visit some restaurants where you can 'have an evening by candlelight. So
in Zagreb's nightlife is another thing.

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Croatia Split is situated in the South is an important city both culturally economico.Si found that as the crow flies in the face of Ancona, ovviamante other side of the Adriatic Sea.

is a city and a city with a long history visible at every step in the historical center. Today is the second largest city grande della Croazia. Il temperamento mediterraneo e il ritmo urbano della città, tanti monumenti culturali storici, manifestazioni culturali e sportive sono soltanto alcuni motivi per venire a Spalato.

Spalato si trova al centro dell’Adriatico. A questa uscita nel Mediterraneo l’imperatore Diocleziano decise nel III secolo di far costruire un palazzo in cui ritirarsi a vivere dopo aver lasciato il trono di Roma. Oggi Spalato ha 200.000 abitanti. La città d’estate diventa un palcoscenico culturale, mentre d’inverno si trasforma in un’oasi soleggiata.

Attualmente, dei 188.694 abitanti 95,15% sono croati mentre i restanti 4,85% appartengono ad altre nazionalità (bosniaci, Montenegrins, Slovenes, Serbs and Italians). Also

's 88.37% of people are Catholics, agnostics 5.26%, 3.78% did not declare their religion, Orthodox 2.12% and 0.46% belong to other religions.

Split is known for Diocletian's Palace, Golden Gate and the Cathedral with its famous bell tower. It is also the Archbishop's residence. Nearby are notable Roman ruins of Salona and the excavations should be expanded, but the landscape has been busy in the last century, a vast industrial zone. I'm still in recovery and protection plans for study. Now the West is against compartment the historical places Tours of the Seven Castles and the mirror of the sea which they named: the Bay of Castles, the peninsula of the island of Ciovo Split together separate from the Adriatic Sea.

You can reach Split by land, that is, by car and by train or by air (the airport is 25 km from the city) or by sea with the coastline or international.

TIP for more info this site in 5 languages \u200b\u200b

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The capital of Croatia - Zagreb Croatia

Zagreb is the capital and largest city of Croatia, its administrative headquarters, politics, is also a shopping center, university. The city offers many cultural events and many opportunities for fun.

The city is characterized by the Upper Town and the picturesque streets in the downtown, the river Sava and Medvednica mountain that rises behind the town. There are many green areas suitable for walking and hiking and various outdoor markets attract many tourists.

The birth of the city comes from the fusion of two medieval villages, the first written record dates back to XI and XIII century and whose remains have been preserved to this day.
The city offers numerous cultural events throughout the year and many interesting shops.

The international airport Pleso International Airport "is about 17 km from the city center. To get to the airport there is a guaranteed connection to the center. The central railway station but the bus station are located in the heart of the city, then the airport is easily reached.

tourist web site of Zagreb

Greeting Message For Loveone

books like the word without Metaphysics

Mi scrive Giorgio Linguaglossa:

Caro Stefano

ti volevo informare che ho ricevuto il tuo libro di critica e gli ho dato subito una rapida occhiata. Devo farti i miei complimenti per la quantità di spunti e di riflessioni di cui è ricco il tuo libro. Poi vedo che affronti la questione del «canone» partendo da Bloom: l'esegesi è interessante, il quadro di riferimento occidentale è giusto ma poi quando si tratta di entrare nel vivo della questione politica poetica di che cos'è il «canone» italiano e (e i suoi inventori) vedo che la tua brillante analisi glissa, non affronta i nodi della questione, tutta italiana, as has been established in the second half of the twentieth century, namely: the experimentalism of "Workshop", neoavanguardia, Lombard Anceschi line, post-experimental line neoorfica line and I would call the "occult" that is, one whose vision has been eclipsed intentionally Institution-poetry from the system for obvious reasons of hegemony and visibility: what I have called modern (or late modern) and which belongs to a range of authors ranging from the far left: Franco Fortini to the right (if we say so) Ripellino, via De stage (in front of them) Helle Busacca, Salvatore Toma, the first of the seventies and Dante Maffia, the last year Ten, and other writers to this day: Madonna, Marchesi, Giovanna Sicari, Joseph Pedota, Roberto Bertoldo etc. ... (All authors who obviously do not know or see that you have not considered with due care). Then I see that your generosity has brought you to consider the galaxy of new authors (and this is a point to your advantage) but could not give a 'typing' the novelty of these authors (if new address is ), paradoxically undermine the effectiveness and the novelty of the proposal. (No, I must say, completely, any reference to the devastating criticism of my work I have done in the past twenty years are just so unspeakable?) - Anyway, no more jokes, your work is just that, however, I have the impression that he intentionally avoided addressing the nodes and the vital and crucial issues.

Best wishes for success and a greeting.


my answer:

dear George, thank you for the "peek" the book that you gave.

When you read it carefully, it will be clear that I did not want the history of the Italian canon (because it is known) and even recover the missing, that there will always be. I intresse highlight the need for the fee, according to different angles that you see in the chapter "fee and finitude."

of Busacca, Toma and Marchesi I mentioned in my blog (try searching the list of names on the right). Of Maffia I read the beautiful summa criticism is "Italian poets towards the new millennium" Bertoldo I read "nihilism" .. Ripellino know enough to consider him a reliable and important writer of the late twentieth century (so well known that I preferred not to talk about). Giovanna Sicari I read in several anthologies (of course I could devote a chapter in the "female"). I got to your "paradise", a book that I struggled to read for the literary excessive (which I do not think: see my last book, as gaunt and antiletterario is, at least on first reading, the first level of understanding). Of course yours is a clear line of poetry, that respect and that I find in many of the poets you mention. This demonstrates that in fact the fee should cover the contemporary. But as I said, I did not want to do the literary historian, but the philosopher and the critic who meets the books that he likes, without having to answer to anyone. Basically, what I'm saying sustain yourself: if you read the book and discuss it with sincerity.

a dear embrace!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

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cuisine reflects the influence of Mediterranean cuisine and much of the central Europe.

inland Croatian staple foods which created the recipes are cereals and vegetables.

often on the menu are proposed mixed dishes such as: mixed meat containing potato chips, fresh onion, sauces, salad, chicken and pork. The

Sarma : dish of Turkish origin made with cabbage leaves rolled, stuffed with various meats, pork and spices.

Rižoto : rice dish (similar to Italian risotto) Venetian origin.

Komerice : Oysters (caught in the channel and Stan Lim) raw with a dash of lemon and / or a little vinegar.

Ham and cheese: The best ham come from Dalmatia, undergoes a special treatment before being smoked. The most famous cheese is produced on the island of sheep Page Together with olives is served as an appetizer.

Buzara: Dalmatian specialties, made with shrimp cooked in tomato sauce with spices and onion. The same sauce is also used as a sauce for pasta.

Soup similar to Italian minestrone, is prepared with vegetables and salads. The winter version is called the Jota and is prepared with beans and sauerkraut.

pašticada: stew beef simmered with onions and spices. It is usually served with dumplings which highlights the influence of Italian and Hungarian cuisine.

Fish and seafood: the great quality of fish and large fish of the varied possible to propose several dishes, shrimp, snapper, sea bass, squid, lobster, octopus and crabs. With which to prepare specialty or a simple mixed grill.

Kruh: bread, often prepared directly from the restaurants or at home. If it finds the many forms and quality, with soy and sesame cereals.

rozata: sweet Dalmatian, similar to Cream Caramel. It is prepared with eggs, milk, caramel and liqueur and serve cold.

Palačinke: one of the most famous dessert in Croatia.

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The traditional holidays in Croatia Croatian

January 1 - New Year
January 6 - The Three Kings
Easter Monday May 1 - Labor Day Resurrection
June 22 - Day of the winning against fascism
June 25 - August 5
State Holiday - Thanksgiving Day
August 15 - Assumption
8 October - Independence Day
November 1 - All Saints
25 to 26 December - Christmas

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The Croatian currency is called the Kuna and has been around since 1994 to replace the dinar as the currency you used the first Yugoslavia.)

One Kuna is divided into one hundred lipa. The abbreviation for the Croatian Kuna is KN and the international abbreviation HRK.

Although Croatia is not yet a member of the European Community, and in many places you can already pay with the euro. Croatia should
short enter the European Union.
So many shops accept payment in Euro

ps You can find many ATMs especially in big cities.

In general, widely accepted credit cards Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Card and Sports International. They are certainly accepted in major tourist centers and especially on the coast, hotels and restaurants.

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Island Rab Croatia

The island of Rab is situated in the Kvarner bay between the island of Krk and the island of Pag, extends for 22 km in length with a width varying between 3 and 10 km.
Mount Kamenjak protects the island from the bellies frebbi from Velebit. Lowland thanks to fertile land, favorable climatic conditions and the presence of sources is widespread cultivation of vines, olive and fruit trees.
The beaches are just cemented and I have been warning of the presence of sandy beaches.
The island of Rab was sold in 1409 in Venice and the rest under his rule until 1797. In 1805 it came under Napoleon to return in Austria in 1814 until 1918. After a brief has passed definitively under Italian occupation of Yugoslavia. During World War II internment camp hosted a fascist.
How to get to the island of Rab:
Surely by ferry, leaving from the Gulf of Kvarner> Krk Baska or (on the island Krk) to Lopar or for the city of Rab. Also, leaving from the port of Jablanac (Senj) Misnjak to reach the southern tip of the island.

primary location:
Kampor is a small, quiet village about ten kilometers west of Rab.
Lopar with its sandy beaches attract as many tourists. Barbat a small seaside resort still retains the jousting.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Specialist Streaming

Dear Stephen,

how are you? I discovered a passage molto bello nella prima parte del tuo libro, in cui ti ponevi la questione sul ruolo della poesia, qualcosa che gira intorno a quella domanda malposta "a che cosa serve?" che tu modificavi in " che cosa pensa?"

Ebbene, espone l'infondato è la tua risposta, il suo non ragionare, il suo trattenere senza proprietà (quest'ultima riferita al poeta).

Mi sembra, ma la mia è un'impressione che voglio ulteriormente verificare, che la tua finitezza rischi comunque di sconfinare talvolta verso il sacro e il metafisico, nonostante tu voglia tenerti "al di qua", servendoti anche di citazioni, autori, scritti che parlano di differire e spazializzare e danno credito a una presenza always on a space-time coordinates of a world that is of flesh and blood here, then it seems to me that the poem from your point of view, yet returns to talk about a source that cuts through the social role.

Not that I mind, indeed, from the poetry of Zanzotto supporter, I'd say there through water too.

But I wonder once and for all if there is no need to deal with pressing demands from other fields, such that the natural decline, anthropological, urgency of poetry in new (or old) outputs.

might, for example, on the basis of the "allegory" of Luper, a civil and active role of poetry, though not ostentatious: the gap in short, that discontinuity (dialectic), which provides the poem's temporality and its inclusion in the misery of men, when the gods are really gone (and I would say that the angry left, to quote the "Area").

I always find it interesting to Giampiero Marano approach that also emphasizes the conflictual relationship between man and nature from a Marxist perspective to date, with digressions on the decline, the need to rebuild the lost relationship and entering poetry as a factor in man able to regain the sense of time and space, in a vision that is both anthropological, social, political.

Louis Metropoli

Caro Luigi, provo a rispondere alla questione che poni.

Il punto di partenza del mio libro, sulla scorta dei filosofi citati, non è togliere l'idea di assoluto, negarne la possibilità, perché altrimenti porrei la negazione come fondamento metafisico, bensì pensare alla scrittura poetica come il luogo in cui la finitezza si espone nella quadratura terrestre, dandosi non in quanto semplicemente presente, fissa, sempre uguale a se stessa (altro modello metafisico), ma nella sua dislocazione continua, non definibile, non prevedibile, in uno scarto che tende a zero. Scarto che ogni poeta si gioca come può, dunque anche con la carta della poesia civile nel senso pasoliniano o fortiano. Si tratterebbe di capire, in questo senso, se l'operazione poetica di D'Elia, - postuma alla morte delle ideologie (metafisiche) che pervadevano sia Pasolini e sia Fortini - sta dentro questa prospettiva oppure, ed io sono convinto che talvolta sia così, risponde ad una piattaforma di teoria politica già data, indiscutibile (leggi: metafisica).

Il punto cruciale è infatti riconoscere nel testo che nasce una costellazione di senso (e di sensi) che non ha bisogno di nessuno sistema assoluto di riferimento per essere credibile, di nessun Dio, nemmeno quello materialista (la Dialettica, il bisogno, eccetera ). Le cose, il ruolo sociale, se diventano fondamento, tornano ad essere "metafisica". In conclusione: Poetry is linguistic ontology if it solves one every time the stand in the open time of each speaker deadly, but if based on something timeless or structure (including the structure has become), speech becomes the second degree, the history of the word metaphysics. This means, in other words, that the poetic word that I try to take the floor before any decision is rational, from an anthropological and social stratification that can not be separated from the conflict. It is one thing, however, read the conflict with the categories of metaphysics, let another come to light in the folds of the text that matches our feelings, our trembling. In this second event, nothing is already written in advance, but our civil unrest, however, still silent in the flesh until he osmotically intertwined with the language. Discomfort that keeps anger, resentment, and desire what forces anthropological opinion, not ideological. Here we are in the vicinity of the speech by Marano, seems obvious.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's Happened To Pinky

Ca 'Foscari, Department of Philosophy and Theory of Sciences

Department of Philosophy and Theory of Sciences
Palace Malcanton-Marcorà Dorsoduro 3484 / D

Thursday, March 11, 2010
17.15 hours


Without shelter


Goisis Joseph (Professor of the History of Political Philosophy, University Ca 'Foscari)
Flavio Ermini (poet, essayist, editor of Anterem)
Isabella Panfido (journalist, poet, literary critic)

coordinates Francesca Ruth Brandes

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Large Lollipops Toronto

Fierro, at Il Piccolo

The poet? It's a free man

poet's experience is unique and unrepeatable, because when we write we expose ourselves completely, as we are. " So the new book about Stephen Wilhelm Without shelter. Poetry and finiteness presented at Ubik. A work of poetic criticism, which offers a deep and varied look at poetry in Italy now. "Wilhelm poetic criticism is very much love, respect and courage in telling it like it is - said Francesco Tomada in the present - has the culture necessary to operate a viable synthesis of the national scene. " Wilhelm lives in Schio, a poet, novelist, and one of the blogs by reference to the poetic reality: . "The book started out strong philosophical presuppositions - Wilhelm said -, I have always questioned the relationship between the ego and writing, and his ontological relationship with language. For twenty years, I wonder about the sense of identity in relation to the travel, especially with poetry. " Questions of a path that was articulated in time, full of ideas and thoughts because it is now that the "militant critics compare with contemporary writing." Wilhelm noted that, in our present, "the poet brings into play all the time, and the public interest because it has more power, does not handle parts of the capital, is free and can truly say, tell. His is a direct reading, without shelter. " This message and its power come to the public, the individual, "if one realizes that the poet is disarmed. Because his poetry is cut off, in part, on the one I aggressively. In this new relationship between poet and audience creates a significant swing of being together. " Comments and thoughts that emerge in the work of Wilhelm forcefully, clearly. "The arrogance and poet to escape from everyday noise must parlare sottovoce». Necessario quindi un confronto con il testo, che «rivela l’autore a se stesso, fra le pieghe delle parole scritte; testo che il critico deve attraversare, per aprire uno sguardo inaspettato.

Giovanni Fierro Uscito su "Il Piccolo" di Trieste, il 15 febbraio 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Recovery Time Cervical Polyp

InfoAttenzione - iNFOTENTION -

What are the cognitive skills essential to living in the world in the digital age?

Howard Rheingold has identified four:
  • attention, or more precisely infotention , How can we learn and praticare nuove forme di attenzione nell'era digitale?

  • collaborazione , Come possiamo favorire forme significative e innovative di collaborazione?

  • awareness of the network, to wareness Network , As you can acquire a sense of what the extended network is / and what it can accomplish?

  • participation How do you encourage 'interaction and meaningful participation?
We also need to know how to learn, unlearn and relearn ( Alvin Toffler ), see what does not, then find a way to unlearn the old patterns and learn how to learn.

Art is whatever the artist wants bring to our attention. Art is an act of attention the artist wishes to invoke in the audience (Duchamp ) up to extreme forms in the pop art of Andy Warhol .
We are moving in an economy of phasing out the economics of property (Richard A. Lanham attention economy )

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Temporary Driver's Licence Ontario

February 11: No shelter in Gorizia


presso la libreria Ubik
corso verdi 119


without shelter. POETRY and finiteness of
Stephen Wilhelm
(this will be the author)

The essay (The Happy Life) could be classified as a critical text
poetic, but first of all a careful mapping of poetry
contemporary Italian on a scale of merit and not of convenience.
Un libro ricchissimo di spunti di riflessione e di considerazioni sorprendenti.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Implantation Bleeding And Clear Mucus

Generation 2000 + - M2 generation -

If the 2010 can be regarded as the Year Zero for the Italian school,
2020 will be the end of the school to generate 2000 +.

In a recent special on the 2010 Horace Nicephorus Tuttoscuola
writes "The advent of the internet especially in its interactive versions of" the famous web2.0,
one part moves the new generation 2000 + , the digital natives ,
other, "the static inertial recurrence of the old school as perceived by students as
unnecessarily complicated, boring, stiff ...
and throws a few questions:
  • "the school may be put out of play ... (See survey Censis 2009) perceived as a useless institution? "
  • " digital natives born in the third millennium ... immersed in an aging society, how to watch the professor? "
  • " ... if the traditional model of teaching is in crisis facing students today, what will happen in 10 years ?..."

"If the school will be the same as today it is easy to provide for who will risk becoming a colossal institution
useless ... deligittimato serving as the principal agent of formation of new generations
... "he speaks of educational emergency

There is a need curricula in tune with the characteristics of Generation 2000 + (M2 Generation) ...

what in the UK was the National Curriculumm .

and what is happening in U.S.
will open the discussion on the topic also here ...
the global challenges of the millennium,
the reversal in place of the relationship between formal and informal
(for which only 30% of knowledge is now acquired through school, 70% passed out), the
'urgent need' a profound process of reform of the education system, "
the need to" overcome the plant encyclopedia-notional "
the "centrality of learning as engagement and involvement of the pupil and its potential acquisition of knowledge '...
between the specific objectives to be achieved in school," the revision of curricula to adapt to the social demands of today's culture "

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pain On Left Side Of Back Above Waist

Call: January 27

Mercoledì 27 gennaio
ore 18,oo

libreria EQUILIBRI

via Farneti, 11
20129 Milano

Presentazione del libro di saggi critici sulla poesia

poetry and finiteness
Stephen Wilhelm

editions Happy Life 2009 - Necklace LOOK


Ottavio Rossi

Dialogano con l’autore:

Gabriela Fantato , Luigi Cannillo , Corrado Bagnoli , Sebastiano Aglieco

Leggono i poeti:

Francesco Marotta , Adam Vaccaro , Paolo Donini , Fabrizio Bianchi

you look!