Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sorority Life How To Delete Account

Young and Old School A school

digital technologies are the new instruments / tools of youth culture, immersed in the digital society.

the digital society determines a new construction of identity / I of the new generations,

Young people use new ways to communicate, that new identity, we call these forms digit-I (l 'I Digital ).

le tecnologie digitali più che strumenti per gestire le informazioni sono veicoli di

Relazioni ,

facilitano e migliorano le possibilità di entrare in contatto con gli altri Pew Internet & American Life Project

siamo in una società complessa e liquida ( Bauman ) in cui dominano la transizione, la complessità, il passaggio,niente è duraturo; molte informazioni valgono appena poche ore,al massimo un giorno.

In this context, many living reality, hyper-reality (whose beginning has had with the virtuality), the mind is suitable, and so we must turn to the new dynamics;

the self is fragmented experiencing a variety self , multi-personal, identità mutevoli, cadono le certezze, avanzano gli spazi dei molteplici interrogativi, domina la comunicazione comunque e ovunque, con qualsiasi media;

tutto va sperimentato condividendo esperienze, relazioni in gruppi reali o virtuali di breve durata, o creati per l’occasione, o vissuti in comunità di interessi.

nascono nuove forme di apprendimento decontestualizzato,fuori dalle aule/pareti scolastiche, gli “ apprendimenti non scolatistici ” , emergono nuovi autoapprendimenti gestibili in modo autonomo (vedi anche peer-teaching e peer-tutoring ),
ed altri aspetti legati al “rifiuto dello studio scolatistico” e alla self-perceived significance,

that undermine the centrality of SCHOOL same as the primary source of training, "Life" seems to be out, it's out ...

new forms of social / relationships and social net- R-tech ( Rifkin ) in which everything is experienced, sharing experiences, real or virtual relations in groups (" socialnetworktualità ) of short duration, or created for the occasion

We live so changing forms of consciousness, typed protean ( RJLifton ), flexible, able to adapt continuously to new circumstances (on-line) setting out the possible forms of 'self-narrative of the self ,
or developing new relationships qualitatively significant
( Valkenburg, Peter )
but also with possible sporadic phenomenon of cyber-bullying ,
relegating it to the off-line " digital immigrants" (Prensky Mark )

some authors see the Internet as a powerful weapon of mass instruction ("weapon of mass education") ( N. Negroponte)

the self-teacher-trainers on el'arroccarsi its role as a defense is one area of \u200b\u200b
'educational emergency ,

the digital teaching is still far away (despite the expectations of parents see Redshift Research )

all ... that while the technological setting

advanced digital

see also LINK

Monday, December 21, 2009

Milena Velba Construction

No Place Like Home Gift Shop, we are teachers

The Irish Primary Institutions Network, essentially governmental association that controls the network of primary schools (our primary) in Ireland, has warned children (read: parents) not to buy expensive gifts to their teachers for Christmas.

This comes after a child was presented by his teacher with a gift card for purchases in shops in the center of the value of 200 €. The IPIN announced that the risk of expensive gifts become 'epidemic in the coming days.

I subscribed alla graduatoria per diventare docente.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good Club Initiations


thank whole body editorial Anterem for giving space to Without shelter , resume, on the front page, the cover and the premise, which states:

this paper continues the research undertaken with Scritti nomads, it examines themes declined in the concept of finiteness, verify it against the contemporary Italian poetry and the question of the canon.

The first section explores the nature of poetry, its cognitive value, the reasons that prevent a definition, analyzing alcune esperienze poetiche significative della contemporaneità e attraverso un dialogo ideale con l'amico Tiziano Salari, critico e poeta con il quale mi sono confrontato a lungo in questi anni.

La seconda sezione verifica la necessità del Canone, evidenziandone la relazione con la finitezza, con gli elementi istituzionali e con la società letteraria. Inoltre ho indagato l'originale lettura del canone occidentale offerta da Giampiero Marano e selezionato una rosa di autori italiani emergenti o non ancora del tutto riconosciuti, favorita dalla gestione del blog Blanc de ta nuque.

La terza sezione, infine, legge il presente della poesia italiana a partire dalla New women and collects most of what I published in journals in recent years.

In general, except for some brief notes traced in the first two sections, the authors intentionally left it off the second-twentieth-century protagonists of the debate, just to draw an area of \u200b\u200bdiscussion pre-canonical, open to the making and unmaking the interpreting community and not too rich for truth and beauty.

Among the poets of which, for reasons of time and effort, I could not write, I remember Julian and Camillo Pennati Mesa, masters discrete and not enough studied by contemporary critics.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bridal Shower Slideshow Music

alarm raised by The Washington Post "... the sorry state of public education ..." (In The keys to a successful education system Pisa and )

in Italy instead

About 80% of young people between 15 and 18 years are asked what sense to stay in school. The
92.6% of young people considered underpaid work for those who have a qualification, knowledge is perceived as a simple facility.
63.9% of employees deemed unnecessary things studied in school.
75% of graduates and 85% of graduates do not believe that their preparation is not discriminating to find work.

(from Gazzettino)
" A school modeled on a system that dates back to the early twentieth century - the classroom, desk, desks - is now fully alien to the cultural needs of young people. Does not develop the ability to learn a school unable to take advantage of new technologies, not compete with the boom of the audio-visual with text messages, with all those stimuli that bombard young people ... a school that will continue to lag and, I suspect, will continue to lose and to break up a huge wealth of intelligence ... necessary that the Italian school is finally the "transmissivity" of knowledge from the chair to the banks. " Luigi Berlinguer, the former education minister, now an expert in Brussels that the European Parliament discussing with our colleagues in future strategies for education.

isogna move from teaching professor and student-structured tasks in new ways, practical use of" student oriented "with small group work, self-assessment of students and their participation in the planning ... the web is today the new Gutenberg "

what is learned in 70% of cases does not come from schools.
.. If you do not change the challenge is lost. "

Of these we have already spoken in 2006

School in 2008 Liquid and closing schools

latest School that Noia 2009
and Digital School illiterate digital

debate on Knol

and 10 errors in education

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Average Cost For Full Head Weave

split personality '

L'avevo scritto tempo fa: staro' invecchiando, ma commentare il mondo mi circonda con la sola ironia e leggerezza e' un lusso che non mi sento piu' di permettermi. Stretto nelle vesti dello scherzo continuo, ho quindi dato sfogo alla mia schizofrenia e creato quello che si propone come un blog "serio", che questo non vuole e non deve essere.


Detto questo, Italianate a Dublino prosegue come sempre, a vedere il - prepotente! - lato divertente della vita di un emigrato irlandiano. ;)