Friday, September 25, 2009

Ap Bio Lab 5 Cell Respiration Analysis Questions

without shelter. Poetry and finiteness

Introductory note


POETRY AND finiteness

I. Poetry and this

1. What is poetry

2. What language, what experience?

3. The dis-fact poetry

4. What does the poem

5. "Why do you write?"

II. Letters from the finiteness (in dialogue with Tiziano Salari)

1. Exile and childhood in Pastures and Pavese

2. Beauty and truth after Baudelaire

III. Writing spring the poets of "Anterem"

IV. Poetry, the public and the late twentieth century Italian

V. Convergence issues of Italian poetry today

Part Two


I. Canon and finiteness

1. Literature, history, ontology

2. The subversion of the finite and the fee physiological

3. Canon physiological and literary historiography

4. The criticism and the truth value of the work

II. Canon and singularities: two examples

1. Gnosticism and Judaism in the Canon by Harold Bloom

2. The fee generation of Gertrude Stein

III. The Everlasting. In the margin of an essay of G. Marano

IV. Blanc de ta Nuqui

Marina Mariani, Luciano Troisi, Adam Vaccaro, Fabrizio Bianchi, Gabriella Musetti, Lucetta Frisa, Cannillo Luigi, Gennaro Grieco, Antonella Pizzo, Tiziana Colusso, Luisa Pianzola, Paolo Donini, Nicholas Ponzio, Lucianna Argentino, Pier Maria Galli, Francesco Tomada, Ghignoli Alessandro, Vincenzo Della Mea, Andrea Raos, Zoic Silvia, Silvia Comoglio, Fabiano Alborghetti, Silvia Monti, Paolo Fichera, Alessandra Palmigiano, Mario Fresa, Frank Pellegrino, Stefano Salvi, Francesca Matteoni, Chiara De Luca, Lorenzo Carlucci, Danni Antonello, Alessandra Conte, Matteo Fantuzzi

Part Three


Cristina Annino: happiness is a hump harmony

Fantato Gabriela: the transformation of land and water

Anna Maria Farabbi: the ancestral sings in the soft part

Paola F. Febbraro: If the flesh flies away in the workings of the world

Mariangela Gualtieri: skinned words to an absent God

Graziella Isgrò: logical effort and the ex

notes in the margin to five contemporary poets :

Aglieco, Cogo, Bonsante, Franzini, Marotta


Anania, Calandrone, Curcetti, Juvenal, Massari, Pepe, I give, Sannella



Index of names

id general

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Winchester Model 1400 Mkii

Digital Natives Digital Immigrant Teachers II

N e già nel febbraio 2006 parlavamo

now they are realizing other and everyone is talking about ( Espresso )

time ago Panorama

e anche su Panorama Blog

ma anche altri ( ADI Associazione Docenti Italiani) vedi post sotto

peccato che siano passati 3 anni ma nel frattempo nulla è cambiato

e la school is increasingly School Liquid .

Non Forgiveness Poems

illiterate of the 21st century - Digital School - School

, takes certain cues from newsletter ADI
we have already 'TALK (see archive post 2006) " the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who will not learn, unlearn and start to learn (Alvin Toffler) "

" education has remained immobile in the face of changes of the 21st century
  • Society has changed: globalization, radical changes brought about by digital technologies, demographic shifts, changes in values \u200b\u200band behavior.
  • Students have changed: nativi digitali, abituati a ricevere informazioni in tempo reale, a gestire processi paralleli e multitask, a lavorare per immagini più che su testi scritti, in costante connessione a internet, a ricercare gratificazioni immediate, dotati di scarsa capacità di pensiero critico, riflessione e giudizio.

….gli istituti scolastici sono inadeguati alle caratteristiche emergenti della società"

La società digitale consente e richiede:

1) nuove modalità e ruoli nella gestione dell'istruzione dei giovani, consisting, for example:

  • transition from traditional classroom teacher assigned to a variable group of students managed by teams of teachers
  • a housing school that includes a) the possibility of individual work stations for students, b) areas for large groups, c) environments for small groups
  • organization of school time that includes time-space larger than the normal lessons for the study of thematic units together with a breakdown of the school year and in shorter periods of three or four months
  • a modification of the role of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge and information to that of facilitator of learning

2) introducing new figures and an extension of the learning environment:

  • use of mentors and other human resources, such as parents and members of the local community
  • estensione di ambienti di apprendimento ad altre scuole e ad altri luoghi del territorio
  • svolgimento dei programmi scolastici non solo dentro ma anche fuori la scuola con il riconoscimento, ai fini della valutazione, anche delle performance e produzioni esterne
  • costante interazione on-line

3) la possibilità che lo studente assuma in prima persona la gestione e il controllo del proprio apprendimento, diventi insieme produttore and consumers of knowledge, providing that:

  • students can count on an online connection with teachers, mentors and peers, when they feel the need
  • have learning opportunities available online from home, from school or anywhere else
  • study exceed the boundaries of space and time: the resources are accessible online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.