Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Hide Wall Post Comments December 2009

Closed to the strong words

It appears from this article RTE , the new Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny - that goal 'of newspapers world believes to be a woman by the name - would be exchanged "strong words" with the equivalent French , the infamous Nicolas Sarkozy. The reason? Kenny wants to renegotiate the terms of European aid to Ireland, which was considered too costly for the latter, Sarko 'wants to raise Ireland's famous corporate tax, tax on companies is so low as to' who are all multinationals in Dublin .

Comments? We might quibble about the political and economic elements of the problem, but it is enough just to say to 'Sarko', without the nasty business that your otherwise we return here to breed sheep.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sailboat Blog Templates


more Italian than this one dies.

The site of the Italian Embassy in Dublin has published a message from English grammar to feel creepy to be "unavailable due to technical problems" on certain dates.


- already are open two hours a day, eyes that there is a hernia
- Technical problems planned well in advance? Manco Magician Otelma
bear it - English. Holy God, you are THE EMBASSY OF ITALY IN IRELAND and write as Totò, Peppino & the bitch

Note that those shown are not the only errors on the page of the site: Italian citizen to you the pleasure of finding others with the joyful realization that the pay at these worthy representatives of the Republic, I paid you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Syphilis How Long Does It Take To Know

Changes in flight

Mercoledì 9 marzo 2011, alle ore 21,00, presso la Biblioteca delle Oblate (Sala Conferenze, pian terreno, ingresso da via dell'Oriolo), presentazione del libro La pagina volante (edizioni La Libreria delle donne di Firenze, 2010).
Il volume raccoglie testi prodotti dalle partecipanti al corso Lettura e scrittura come cura di sé , che si svolge presso la Libreria delle donne di Firenze con la cura di Maria Letizia Grossi.
Milly Mazzei introduce e conversa con la curatrice.
Seguirà un percorso di lettura attraverso le pagine del libro

L'iniziativa fa parte del ciclo di incontri LEGGERE DONNA. IL CORPO E LE PAROLE , che si svolge at the Oblate Library from 8 to 12 March.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wrecked Snowmobiles For Sale


This afternoon at 17.30, at the Oblate Library of Florence, Vittoria Franco has Care Girl. a reminder, as part of a series of meetings "Read not to forget". Dialogue with her and Anna Barbara Henry Scattigno.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wholesale Eagle Scooter Wheels

March 8 girls in library

Tuesday, March 8, 2011, at 16.30 at the Women's Bookstore, opening of the photo exhibition

a different look. The square of 13 February

Pictures Zoe Guerrini, Monica Matteuzzi, Marilena Mele, Fiammetta Perugi, Guido Cozzi, Manfredi Rigney

you there!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best Ways To Masterbate

Just out 12

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Land of Women. Two thousand years without men
Donzelli, € 19.50

Slavenka Drakulic
Frida's bed
The Turtle, € 18.00

Sally O'Reilly
The body in contemporary
Einaudi, € 30.00

Luisa Muraro
is not for everyone. The unspeakable fortune to be born woman
Carocci, € 13.00

Erin Blakemore
The library of women. Lessons in survival from books that have made us dream. From Jane Eyre to Scarlett O'Hara
Orme, € 16.50

Monday, February 28, 2011

Version 1.011 Mount & Blade Mods

Goodbye Vienna

Ludmilla Helga Siersch

Foreword by Mario Monicelli

Fazi 2011
€ 17.50

The March 12, 1938 German troops occupy Austria. The day before the Chancellor Schuschnigg announced on the radio: "Austrians are compelled to yield. The German army enters our country. God be with you. " Ludmilla Siersch
Helga has 17 years, belongs to a wealthy Viennese family composed of Jewish women, the Charlotte great-grandmother, grandmother Wilma, the mother fortunei, and aunts and Renée Ninon.
Milly, as everyone calls Ludmilla, feels distinctly that if he wants to live must leave Vienna and Austria. Without calling time in half, alone, on that cold morning of March 13 he left his home and his family. His dream is to reach Italy, where her aunt lives with her husband Ninon a few kilometers from Florence.
Milly can fulfill his desire, demonstrating great courage and with a little 'luck, four years later. In Italy will be established in Rome, where the war is over will reach the mother, deported to the Theresienstadt camp and survived. The great-grandmother Charlotte el'amatissima grandmother, Wilma, whom the book is dedicated, but not return.
After a painful relationship with a man as fascinating as unreliable, love and finally reach a daughter.
Baccio he recovered, he stretched out his hand to unite it to mine and in that moment I knew I was safe. That life with my daughter, Michelle, kept, or perhaps just beginning then. Everything disappeared at once and in front of me was a picture of my daughter, raised in the air by expert hands.

Ludmilla Siersch Helga was born in Vienna October 28, 1919. With the advent of Nazism forced to interrupt his artistic studies. After the deportation of the great-grandmother, grandmother and mother in the field of Theresienstadt concentration and after years of persecution and violence can escape to Italy. Milly still resides in Rome.

marinella m.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f

Gertrude Stein

is finally back in the library with many titles:

Blood in the dining room
Sellerio, € 10.00

Tender Buttons
English text against
Liberilibri, € 15.00

latest books and dramas
Liberilibri, € 24.00

Sollevante belly
Liberilibri, € 16.00

Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Einaudi, € 19.50

Flirting department stores
Archinto € 10.50

Geography and dramas
Liberilibri, € 20.00

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Position Of Cervix In Early Pregnancy

What happened to the nation-state? (2) 11

Judith Butler, Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak

Meltemi 2009
€ 13.00

What 'states' for those who did not 'state'?
This small but dense book, which shows the action at a seminar on globalization held in 2007 in Irvine, California, I came back to memory by reading the statements of these days around the problem of immigrants si prevedono in arrivo dalle coste libiche.
Nessuno ne parla come di profughi o rifugiati, con diritto d'asilo. Ed anche nel caso fossero solo persone che approfittano dell'improvvisa libertà o tragedia per fuggire verso destini migliori, sono semplicemente un problema, un costo, delle persone che si presentano già con uno stato: quello di clandestini, di fuoriusciti. Saranno cioè sentiti come altro dalle nostre comunità nazionali.
E allora ho ricordato questo testo che mette bene in luce quali siano le strategie di potere che gli stati nazionali mettono in atto per creare nuovi stati, mentali-esistenziali-giuridici, che escludano dalla polis e dalla cittadinanza, grazie a dispositivi militari ed extraterritorialità mai conosciute before.
The Italian title is not the translation of the original title, saying instead: "Who sings the national anthem?".
The reflection of the American philosopher questions the thought of Arendt and Agamben on the relationship between power and the polis and citizenship, looking for the right to liberty and sense of calling into question the traditional view of citizenship rights only intended for the status of citizen.
His answer is the example that gives title to the book, it tells of Latino immigrants in the U.S. to the streets singing the national anthem in English, acting in fact, without being citizens, freedom and the right to be parties U.S. community, thus claiming a very eccentric gesture, which is in 'political action its public dimension.
This is a complex text but rich in ideas, sometimes needed to understand a world of boundaries that increasingly close and at the same time are arranged with the sole objective of the new rule with the 'status' of those who do not know.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Razr Discontinued

Helena Janeczek
Lessons of Darkness
Guanda, € 15.00

Adriana Zarri
A hermitage is not an empty snail shell
Einaudi, € 19.50

Ludmilla Helga Siersch
Goodbye Vienna
Fazi, € 17.50

Flannery O'Connor
In the territory of the devil. On the craft of writing
minimum fax, € 13.50

Joumana Haddad
I killed Shahrazad
Mondadori, € 10.00

Sue Monk Kidd, Ann Kidd Taylor
Traveling with Pomegranates
Mondadori, € 9.50

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nhl Penguin Fleece Fabric

Just out Sunday in the library

Sunday, February 20, at 17:00, at the Women's Bookstore, a new meeting devoted to Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Durham, March 6, 1806 - Florence, June 29, 1861). Milly Mazzei introduces the life and work of English poet and suggests reading some Sonnets from the Portuguese translation of Sara Virgillito (issues Women's Bookstore in Florence, 1986-2010).
The meeting takes place as part of the Sabbath , organized by Unicoop Florence in collaboration with the Tuscan cultural cooperatives.

Admission is free. Info and reservations: 055 240384 -
the Coop will be applied a 10% discount on all publications for sale.

In the picture, the tomb of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, designed by Frederic Leighton, in the English Cemetery in Florence.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Muskoka Wallpaper Pack

train of thought

cards, write, think

Francesca Rigotti

Il Mulino, 2002
€ 11.50

Ariadne, Arachne, Ananche, Athena is the women of mythology that govern the texture, which, from its original element , the wire, the fabric to the finished product, the plot, the plot is an art and royal women.
The thread that these creatures have in hand and work is the existence and destiny of women and men, with which they give meaning to life.
Ariadne, daughter of King Minos of Crete and Pasiphae, daughter of the sun, burning with love and passion, gave Theseus the thread to exit the maze. Arachne girl experienced in the work of spinning and lover of his work, dared to challenge Athena, goddess of weaving, and this turned into a spider.
Ananche, whose name means bond, is the one on whose knees turn the spindle that spins the thread of life filmed and distributed by the Fates: Clotho, which helps to spin by turning the outer circle of the zone with his right hand, Atropos, that spins the inner circles with his left hand, and Lachesis, which run alternately from each other and with one and the other hand.
While women with their hands, spun and wove the thread, the spider, the canvas, the frame, the fabric, the warp, the plot, the plot, are now in their "dresses" di metafore, il filo del pensiero, il filo spezzato del ragionamento, il filo della storia, il filo del racconto, la vestaglia del filosofo…
Forse è venuto il momento, conclude Francesca Rigotti , in cui Teseo restituisca il filo ad Arianna, e in cui Arianna non usa quel filo per impiccarsi bensì per uscire dal labirinto, insieme a Teseo, e per orientarsi con lui su altri sentieri .
Per parte mia ho avuto una nonna che filava e oggi mentre guardo la mamma che, seppure con le mani deformate dall’artrite, gugliata dopo gugliata, punto dopo punto, trasforma un pezzo di stoffa in un abito, penso di essere di fronte ad un accadimento magico.
Che ognuna trovi i suoi fili, li intrecci e tessa la tela della propria vita…
marinella m.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cat Chow Coupons December 09

Just out

Alfonsina Storni
Senza rimedio
Le lettere, € 19,50

Antonia Pozzi
Guardami. Sono nuda
Barbès, € 6,00

Mariolina Venezia
Rivelazione all'Esquilino
Nottetempo, € 6,00

Fay Weldon
Dopo il crash
e/o, € 18,00

Belinda Starling
La rilegatrice dei libri proibiti
Beat, € 9,00

Claude Pujade-Renaud
Le donne del bracconiere
Barbès, € 16,00

Luciana Castellina
La scoperta del mondo
Nottetempo, € 16,50

Lettere a Missy
Archinto, € 17,00

Friday, February 11, 2011

Uti After Brazilian Wax

10 Sunday, February 13

...Non andiamo in piazza per lagnarci, perché se c'è una cosa di cui siamo sicure è il linguaggio della vittima agevola quello del carnefice. Saremo lì a dire quello che pensiamo, e va bene se c'è chi risponderà che siamo bigotte, moraliste, gelose, perfino antipatiche. Ebbene, se c'è un nuovo modo di portare avanti delle battaglie, oggi, questo prevede anche che si accetti di essere antipatiche. Assumendosene la responsabilità. Perché non There's nothing worse than to mention his own thoughts for fear of being judged.

are the words of Michela Murgia, in an interview that you can read here.
Other considerations that deserve attention are here.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kates Playground December

Saturday in Ivy Compton-Burnett Library

had jumped to the big snowfall in December, and now we try again ...

Saturday, February 12 at 17.30 at the Women's Bookstore, the conference Isabella Andreini. COMEDY OF ART, with projection of iconographic material.

Isabella Barlozzetti introduce the figure of Isabella Andreini (1562-1604), extraordinary character of the Commedia dell'Arte, writer, poet, singer, actress of great popularity, was celebrated by the greatest poets of his time.
The initiative is promoted, with the Library, by the droplets.

Info: tel
Women's Bookstore. 055 240384 -
Drops tel. 3478327897 -

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pentax 110 Lens Adapter

brothers and sisters

Garzanti, 2010
€ 10.50

... The three young men came in the room that had been the playroom and then their mother, and that ultimately was turned into a study, was judged to be of great benefit to the boys.
"Yes, mother. Yes, Mother. What a waste of the gift of speech! I should be ashamed, "said Robin.
"Of course it should," said Andrew. "Of the first victory over yourself."
... "Dinah and I possess the largest of the things we are masters of ourselves," said Andrew.
"O slaves of Sophia," said Robin.
"And this is the greatest thing," said Dinah.

"I agree," said Robin
"Me too," said Dinah. "Here Sophia. I'm sure. "
" Let me sit in my place, "said Andrew," and does not consume in idleness throughout the morning. I am my own master or slave of Sophia? ".

The three boys were sitting around the table when he entered his mother. His attire, something of great importance for the family, was richer. He seemed in good spirits and loving ...


Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Is A Good Heart Rate At 34 Weeks Pregnant

Just out nine


Goliarda Sapienza
Fate forced
Einaudi, € 10.50

Clara Sánchez
The scent of lemon leaves
Garzanti , € 18.60

Hanna Krall
Portrait with the bullet in the jaw
Giuntina, € 16.00

Jane Bowles
Two ladies decent
The Turtle, € 15.00


Bruno Bertoli
Women of the Risorgimento. The invisible heroes of Italian unification
Ananke, € 22.00

The first woman in Italy. Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso between politics and journalism
by d Mariachiara Fugazza and Karoline Rörig
Franco Angeli, € 30.00

Mariapia Bonanate
Sisters. Twenty years later
Pauline, € 18.00

Luce Irigaray
The mystery of Mary Pauline
, € 11.50

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nautical Coloring Pages

Judy Budnitz

The smell of chlorine aphrodisiac

Alet, 2009
€ 15.00

I like to put realistic characters in unreal situations. In my stories, magical things can happen or impossible, but the characters are always guided by the same emotions of us all.

People in situations outside the normal world. 12 stories that seem modern fairy tales, stories that seem to belong to the fantasy or science fiction, but some other times you suddenly catapulted into reality. The wheelbase is so short that not even realize it. The magic of Budnitz is just that.
The recurring theme is that the uncertainty of the individual's own identity, dell'ingannevolezza of appearance and the difficulty of understanding the essence of their own and others'.
An example? In the story "Miracle" to a white couple was born a black child. The couple faces the moment with a stunning first then with embarrassment. Days pass. Another miracle will come to disrupt their lives ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Get Shingles On The Arm

arrive before the Lord God

Conversation with Marek Edelman

Hanna Krall
Foreword by Gad Lerner
Translated by Ludmila Ryba and Janina Pastrello

The Giuntina 2010
€ 12.00

In the clinic where I worked as a result there was a huge palm tree. Sometimes I stayed down there and before I saw the rooms where inmates were my patients. Those were different times, there were no drugs today, and most of the patients in those rooms was sentenced to die. My job was to save as much as possible and one day, under the palm tree, I realized that was basically the same job that there Umschlagplatz. Even then I was at the gate and pulled out from a crowd of people of offenders.
Mark Edelman, the only commander of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto survived the war, as there was at the gate nell'Umschlagplatz, the collection center to the edge of the ghetto, where he saw 400,000 Jews take off, one by one and go on wagons that will take them to die in Treblinka. There, as in his profession after a cardiologist, has done nothing other than trying to arrive before the Lord God and save lives as much as he could.
This book tells Hanna Krall of Jewish life in the ghetto, the revolt of his profession as a doctor. But it's not a hero and almost foot down and kick in the face of questions the writer. He argues that, in the operating room as the gate in 'Umschlagplatz, save one in four hundred thousand is simply ridiculous.
But all life is for each one hundred percent the whole, then perhaps there is still a sense . So concludes
Hanna Krall, and us with it.
marinella m.

Monday, January 31 at 17.30 at the Oblate Library, an initiative to recall Marek Edelman (1922? -2009), With Rudi Assuntina, Francesco Catalucci, Wlodek Goldkorn, Ludmila Ryba and Daniel Vogelmann. During the meeting, the movie will be screened Chronicle of the Warsaw ghetto uprising second Marek Edelman and an interview with Edelman created by Gad Lerner in 2006.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Court Letter Of Community Work

The Merchant of lost paintings

Sara Houghteling

Blacks Pozza, 2009
€ 16.50

Where did Manet to Matisse, to Picasso's art dealer jew Daniel Berenzon? He took refuge in the countryside during the German occupation of Paris in 1944 but returns to the city's priceless masterpieces have disappeared from his gallery. His son Max will try them, aided by Rose Clement, until they become a reason for living.
Sara Houghteling tells a compelling story and passionate focus "on art rubata”, ovvero sulla razzia che i nazisti, su ordine diretto di Hitler e Göring, fecero di quadri e oggetti d’arte durante l’occupazione di Parigi. Tutti i dati riportati nel romanzo sono veri; solo il protagonista del romanzo, Daniel Berenzon, è un personaggio di fantasia
Il libro è ispirato alla figura di Rose Valland (1898 -1980), a cui i tedeschi permisero, nella sua qualità di ex sovrintendente, di rimanere come supervisore alla manutenzione, al Jeu de Paume. Qui venivano stipate le opere prima di partire per la Germania. I meticolosi resoconti che Rose compilò di nascosto consentirono il successivo rimpatrio di migliaia di dipinti. Grazie ai suoi contatti con le Forze francesi libere e gli alleati, Thousands of wagons loaded with works of art were not bombed. Rose Valland was awarded the Legion of Honor and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
In 1961, Rose wrote his autobiography, The front de l'art: 1939-1945 défense des collections françaises, out of print for years. In 1964 his book was made into the film The train .
marinella m.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sim 2 Double Deluxe Setup

A marriage English

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Astoria 2010
€ 20.00

comes out for the first time in translating and Clementina Liuzzi Paolo Vallerga this beautiful novel unjustly neglected by an author in Italy and known mostly as a writer for children, which in English are just republishing the novels.
Born in Manchester in 1849 and died in New York in 1924, after a painful family matters (he was orphaned teenage father and emigrated to the U.S. with his family, but soon lost their mother and had to look after the maintenance of the brothers) began to write and managed to earn a living from the proceeds of the publication of his writings and back several times later in England.
keen observer and sophisticated connoisseur of the cultural reality of the country of origin and country of adoption, with insight in this novel portrays the differences economic and social England and the United States from the early twentieth century, tells the story of the exchange between British noble titles and enormous wealth Americans who, thanks to shrewd marriage contracts, pop up the fortunes of great estates in England ruin.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Symptoms Of Oral Lip Wart

The cabin of the sad pleasures

Helga Schneider

Salani 2009
€ 14.00

In this book the words we scratch up to tear the skin, penetrating pain in the bowels and bones, pounding in the brain, it invades our heart and our whole body. Remember
is heartbreaking, but necessary. For this Herta Kiesel, an elderly German lady, told the young Swabian, successful writer, his history.
arrested in Berlin in 1943 because his girlfriend with a young half-jew, Herta is interned in Ravensbrück women's camp. With the promise of being freed from there to six months, the girl agrees to be transferred to the brothel in Buchenwald, the Sonderbau, "special building". Here
German SS prisoners and may, at the price of two marks, use the services of young women. At Buchenwald
also has its own laboratory, Dr. Carl Vaernet, best known for his "cure homosexuality" that the bodies of women and "triangles rose measures the "manhood" of the regime.
For years, Herta Kiesel has remained silent under the weight of misery and shame.
prostitution in Nazi Germany was considered, for reasons of racial hygiene, a serious crime punishable by imprisonment. This did not stop to Heinrich Himmler ordered the construction of ten major brothels in concentration camps, where prisoners taken mainly from the Ravensbrück women's camp were forced into prostitution cooked. After 1945 the existence of these brothels was silenced. Germany has only recently woken up from this oblivion, facing what for decades had remained a taboo.

Helga Schneider born in Poland and has lived in Germany and Austria. Since 1963, resident in Italy. In addition to
The cabin of the sad pleasures published Brandenburg Gate, Berlin The fire, Let me go mother , Nightingale of Linke, I, a small guest Führer. With cinnamon Stars won the boys 2003 Elsa Morante.
marinella m.

9 Movie Rag Doll Pattern

Just out eight bodies


Roberta De Monticelli
The moral question
Raffaello Cortina, € 14.00

Sandra Plastina
philosophy of modernity. The thought of women from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Carocci, € 14.40

Clotilde Barbarulli
Writers migrants. The language, the chaos, a star
ETS, € 18.00

Judith Halberstam
masculinity without men. Selected writings
ETS, € 18.00

Being a woman in Asia. Rights, power, business
by Giampaolo Casts Novati
Carocci, € 25.00

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lev Tahor Im Eshkachech

Susie Orbach

Code 2010, € 17.00

watching ... the variety of gestures and body ornaments in the world, it is easy to see how it has always been an expression of a specific historical period and a specific geographical location, sexual, cultural or religious. Elongated necks force, painted faces, veiled heads, ankles, face, suits, colored hair, tattooed arms, bound feet, gold teeth, heads covered, male and female circumcisions, or painted nails are all signs of belonging to a cultural environment specific. The bodies are recognized based on morals and behavior that befits the group from which you come, you want to belong or with which you want to identify. The behaviors and body codes determine who we are. And even if you could think that they are not intentional, however, show that the body is neither natural nor pure, but inscribed in a culture and shaped by a myriad of very specific cultural practices. You can now see that, in many ways, has never existed a body of quite simple, "natural." It has always been formed by its social and cultural designations. What I argue in this book, however, is that the cultural discourse today is the entrance into a new period of destabilization of the body: the latter is the subject of a new frenzy induced by social forces absorbed and transmitted within the family, the context in which it acquires for the first time its own perception of the body.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Redoing Fireplace Facing

A chicken named Kosher

Memories of World War

Liliana Treves Alcalay

Giuntina 2009
€ 13.00

A chicken named Kosher
autobiographical tale is a simple and sincere. Liliana Treves Alcalay recounts episodes of his life since returning to Milan in June 1945, returning from Switzerland, where his family has taken refuge to escape Nazi-fascist persecution.
A simple story, but with many significant implications. With a linear prose, Liliana girl, who belongs to a family looking, for example, describes the preparations for the celebration of Shabbat On Friday evening, and almost invites us to sit around that table set up by the Jews in the same way all over. His family is Sephardic, his ancestors were among those expelled from Spain (Sefarad) in 1492 by Isabella the Catholic, were scattered a bit 'everywhere, but now well-established musician and Liliana woman learns from her mother that one of its ancestors are some Marranos. Marrano (pig in English) is the term used to designate the Jews who were converted by force during the Inquisition, continued to profess Judaism in secret. A tragic page in the history of the Jews that Liliana's mother testifies her and us so essential, but non per questo meno efficace.
Liliana adolescente ha ormai compreso che la sua vita sarà la musica, canta e suona insieme alla sua generazione la protesta nelle canzoni di Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Victor Jara, gli Inti Illimani. Poi un giorno, la svolta.
La madre, nel corso di un trasloco, le consegna un disco di canti chassidici che il padre, morto nel 1967, aveva conservato per lei. Ascoltandolo Liliana prova un’emozione fino ad allora sconosciuta. La voce profonda e struggente del cantore proruppe con impeto nella stanza, come se da troppo tempo fosse stata imprigionata in silenzio ed anelasse solo di librarsi in volo . Decide di dedicarsi alla musica tradizionale ebraica e di farne uno strumento di dialogo e di conoscenza to find out how in the heart of the common man - whatever its history, its culture, its faith - dwell the same dreams and expectations, the same need to live in peace .
born at the end of the book, the desire to listen to this voice and this music.
Liliana Treves Alcalay has already published three volumes of the Giuntina Songs of the Diaspora and Sefarad (and their boxes), an exile Melodies and Songs of the court and iuderia (with CD-ROM.)
marinella m.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sample Church Anniversary Programs

story of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose

Annette Dumbach,
Jud Newborn

Lindau 2008
€ 22.00

This book is dedicated to the men and women of Germany who resisted.

On February 22, 1943 Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans and Christoph Probst were guillotined on charges of treason. Two months later the same fate befell Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf and their professor, Kurt Huber.
All university students, Sophie and the others were opposed to Nazism spread, first to Monaco and from there to other cities in Germany and Austria, where six leaflets denouncing the atrocities of the regime and urged the Germans to sabotage and resistance. They called their opposition group "The White Rose."
We do not be silent. We are the voice of your bad conscience. The White Rose will not give you peace.
"The White Rose" was not a structured movement, or had connections with other organizations, was the spontaneous uprising of five boys, classmates and friends, who in the name of Christian principles of brotherhood and justice challenged with few resources available and self-financing power of the Third Reich.
The leaflets were mailed to thousands of addresses from different parts of the city and transported by train from city to city to be posted. Each stamp was pasted a risk to their lives and they knew it, but felt the freedom the highest good, and His name had paid a higher price.
Every time I see a white rose, I think the two of them and their heroism amid the horror. They remind us that even in Nazi Germany were young, although few, who represented the best thing in the world ... The courage, humanity .

Annette Dumbach, journalist and university professor, has worked in New York, Paris and Monaco of Bavaria, where he currently resides.
Jud Newborn, historian, is one of the leaders of the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York. Collaborates with many Israeli and American newspapers.
marinella m.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Register Boat In Ontario

Sunday in library

Sunday January 16, at 17:00, at the Women's Bookstore, Milly Mazzei introduces the life and work of English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Durham, March 6, 1806 - Florence, June 29, 1861). In closing, reading from Sonnets from the Portuguese translation of Sara Virgillito recently reprinted (issues Women's Bookstore in Florence, 1986-2010).

The meeting takes place as part of the Sabbath , organized by Unicoop Florence in collaboration with the Tuscan cultural cooperatives.
Admission is free. Info and reservations: 055 240384 -
the Coop will be applied a 10% discount on all publications for sale.

(pictured Casa Guidi in Via Maggio, the house where Elizabeth lived in Florence, now a museum)