Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Buying Silver Indiana

School Teachers "digital immigrants"

Porte aperte alle tecnologie, annuncia una recente ricerca AIE (Associazione Italiana Editori link ), anche per prepararsi per la scuola: un giovane studente su due (il 51%) studia in Italia tanto sul libro di testo quanto sul materiale scaricato da internet, mentre solo il 41% utilizza solo il libro di testo. La tecnologica conta, eccome, anche a scuola.
Un’altra indagine AIE vede li giovani come la Digital Generation : sono internauti (per il 91%), più della metà (il 53%) hanno un Ipod o comunque un lettore mp3. Uno su quattro partecipa almeno settimanalmente a chat e forum e il 9% had a personal blog in which she posts her thoughts. 52% of young Italians read magazines and newspapers both on the Internet on paper (27% do so only in the traditional way).
is changing the way consumers access technology. It changes the way young people communicate: beyond product use search engines (84% of Internet users do so at least once a week) to send or receive email (66% of Internet users do so at least once a week ) or retrieve the contents for your study and work (27%) - joint activities for young people more occasional internet users - there are new uses that are gaining ground rapidly.

Young people do not perceive themselves as passive subjects of the computer world, but as active participants in the content production to exchange and share of participation and sharing thus become the new "rules" of network usage. "42% of Internet users has in fact, used the Internet at least once to participate in chats, blogs, forums, or to enter personal writings, thoughts, poems in his personal blog.
The identikit of this blogger / "visitor to chat?" He has a degree in middle school (to 46%) live in a big city (50%) use the Internet every day (60%) and is accessed primarily from home (55%). They share thoughts and share also the files: file sharing - that the new method of sharing that allows you to download and exchange music, books, entire CDs. They are to advance new way to use the technology, which with time - settling - become customary for all. It 'so successful with the computer, so goes with tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS .
And the teachers?
Some people try to get busy, some are frightened by new technology, others refuse, many trudging.
therefore not surprising that exist in another study "The students rejected the school, almost half are dissatisfied." According to a study by the yard, 3 guys out of 10 sono contenti dei docenti, che non ascoltano le loro esigenze. Bocciato anche il degrado degli istituti.
Il 30% degli studenti si dichiarano insoddisfatti dei loro docenti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la capacità di insegnare.
Lo studente di oggi ha la necessità di partecipare ad un processo di apprendimento basato sulla possibilità di combinare insieme diverse modalità di apprendimento.
Gli insegnanti hanno il compito di cambiare il proprio ruolo da di dispensatori di informazione a quello di generatori di conoscenza.( vedi sul tema NECC 2006 ).
Tale cambiamento, passaggio di ruolo crea una situazione di difficoltà e di crisi.
Serve un’evoluzione verso modalità digitali di pensiero more suited to the new generations (digital natives).
And the biggest challenge comes from the fact that teachers, mostly digital immigrants, they need to interact with the digital generation "mistress" in the world of new technologies.
Digital immigrants, is to indicate the age groups that did not grow with the new information technologies and communication, the term was coined by Mark Prensky (see )
experiment and innovate new forms of learning, here is the bet.
traditional education has seen few innovations in the origin of the schools and universities today ( R. Straub )
today Faced with the challenge of learning throughout the life of the technology will play an important role, because it allows and encourages the learning process fast, flexible and individualized. In a technological environment of learning throughout life, digital literacy is a prerequisite in order to access and participate.
E-learning and online training is not the answer but a help.
The classical formula of online learning is a little tough, does not work with new generations of studenti.L 'elearning 1.0 (built following the codification of the learning object) is weak in terms of dell'interattivà e della collaborazione, troppo rigidi i ruoli di docente,studente e tutor.

L'apprendimento può trarre giovamento dalla condivisione e dalla rielaborazione 'orizzontale' dei contenuti tipica delle nuove frontiere del web, il WEB 2.0 .
Il centro della formazione deve essere il discente ( student-centered learning ) e non
il formatore/docente o tutor.
L'uso dei blog, wiki, videoblog,dei tag, dei feed RSS, di strumenti mash up, o tecnologie Ajax, Social Network , rappresentano i nuovi "libri",matite,penne,righelli,compassi, forbici e colla della NetScuola.
Le nuove conoscenze, il nuovo sapere viene posto in circolazione per essere in turn reworked by others, new forms of interaction online. It 's the transition from online learning communities to open horizontal groups, groups of co-operation.

"A learning system includes several key elements and success factors that must be present to facilitate learning and support it effectively. These items include pedagogy, a learning project, learning environments in user-centric collaboration, as well as social and cultural factors. Without this holistic view of learning systems, the potential of technology can not be fully exploited. "(R. Straub)
In a world of active learning along throughout their life, all the skill of a person is formed and documented from a combination of experiences, results and real life relationships and formal certificates. The school
el'aula school lose their dominance and centrality of education, especially for older people, and other external sources acting involved (outsourcing learning). There are doubts about the continuity of learning in classrooms, especially in the early stages of education, but this will become even less important throughout the life of the person. According to several studies, 70 to 80% of what we learn is learned on the job "(R. Straub). A major challenge
waiting for the Italian school and teachers who can not and should not escape lasciascela.


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