Monday, May 21, 2007

Maryland Cruise Spots

Ark Digital

Web 2.0 e Conoscenza Condivisa .
Nonostante la rivoluzione bottom made by means of interactive and collaborative Web 2.0 only a small elite determines the contents in the great panorama of the Web
The authority can self-generate content through a selection of the contents through the mechanisms of social networks inherent in the network itself, over and beyond the number of links and click on post page.
The problem is another, the generation of content is still unfortunately a fact "elitist".

"Do not separate the two cultures can coexist. At the point where we are, everything is digital or not. Before the Flood Web, the task of our generation (between 30 and 45 years) was to have built Ark Digital or containers in which to save the whole culture of humanity. The task of the "old" will fill these containers with their pre-knowledge web, the task of new generations Biodigital will be poets, or mastering the languages \u200b\u200bnative to modern design culture and social relations in new forms permitted by communication technologies. I'm thinking about very concrete things, such as land management and the communities who live there, as they draw identity ("we") by dense networks of communication are now possible, through the mechanisms of participation and membership of any local community, albeit in ways previously unseen in history degli Umana." solstizio

L'immagine dell'Arca digitale nel Diluvio del Web che carica di responsabilità le vecchie generazioni e apre spazi e impegni nuovi ai nativi biodigitali .


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