Thursday, October 11, 2007

Install Rod In Bookcase

Liquid Generation Q

"... the Quiet Generation , in the best sense of that term, quietly pursuing their idealism, at home and abroad.But Generation Q may be too quiet, too online, for its own good, and for the country’s own good."( Thomas Friedman )

La Net Generation รจ costituita da individui troppo apatici, passivi e computerizzati, le rivoluzioni non si combattono nel mondo virtuale ma nelle piazze, dal vivo ...

"Mettete da parte le email, le petizioni online e i click del mouse e organizzatevi,dal virtual to the real "thunder Friedman

There are forces flattening the world including:

  • standards based on other standards, the ' ultrastandrad as XML, AJAX that allows machines to communicate each other via the Web without any human intervention

  • Uploading and comunity power, as in the software community Developed in blogging / podcasting, wikipedia, in-forming, which accentuate sfernato a desire to participate and make their prefrerire item arriving to the virtual real who prefer the videogame that simulates a sport than actual game maybe basketball, everything to enhance the myth of participation (parteciapre the game is more fun than to see it)

  • digital, mobile comunication, filesharing, VoIP / SoIP, wireless, engines talk to computers, talking to computers, talking to people, and while this happens many people ask who they are talking with a human or a machine ... ?
    (from The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman)

The debate is open ...


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