Saturday, September 19, 2009

Non Forgiveness Poems

illiterate of the 21st century - Digital School - School

, takes certain cues from newsletter ADI
we have already 'TALK (see archive post 2006) " the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who will not learn, unlearn and start to learn (Alvin Toffler) "

" education has remained immobile in the face of changes of the 21st century
  • Society has changed: globalization, radical changes brought about by digital technologies, demographic shifts, changes in values \u200b\u200band behavior.
  • Students have changed: nativi digitali, abituati a ricevere informazioni in tempo reale, a gestire processi paralleli e multitask, a lavorare per immagini più che su testi scritti, in costante connessione a internet, a ricercare gratificazioni immediate, dotati di scarsa capacità di pensiero critico, riflessione e giudizio.

….gli istituti scolastici sono inadeguati alle caratteristiche emergenti della società"

La società digitale consente e richiede:

1) nuove modalità e ruoli nella gestione dell'istruzione dei giovani, consisting, for example:

  • transition from traditional classroom teacher assigned to a variable group of students managed by teams of teachers
  • a housing school that includes a) the possibility of individual work stations for students, b) areas for large groups, c) environments for small groups
  • organization of school time that includes time-space larger than the normal lessons for the study of thematic units together with a breakdown of the school year and in shorter periods of three or four months
  • a modification of the role of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge and information to that of facilitator of learning

2) introducing new figures and an extension of the learning environment:

  • use of mentors and other human resources, such as parents and members of the local community
  • estensione di ambienti di apprendimento ad altre scuole e ad altri luoghi del territorio
  • svolgimento dei programmi scolastici non solo dentro ma anche fuori la scuola con il riconoscimento, ai fini della valutazione, anche delle performance e produzioni esterne
  • costante interazione on-line

3) la possibilità che lo studente assuma in prima persona la gestione e il controllo del proprio apprendimento, diventi insieme produttore and consumers of knowledge, providing that:

  • students can count on an online connection with teachers, mentors and peers, when they feel the need
  • have learning opportunities available online from home, from school or anywhere else
  • study exceed the boundaries of space and time: the resources are accessible online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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