Thursday, January 14, 2010

Low Fetal Heartbeat At 34 Weeks

Margherita in Milan andthe

It The residence time of suspended :

I find it truly what I have heard be an inductive approach to the topic: "What does the poem" → what is the poem (of course in the topic then triggers the reverse), which I think make good that great concept of a poem that "spatializes time" ( in a sort of general relativity): "What does" defines the action, movement and speed of change, that "touch"-revitalizing-;

"with her skin" defines its own space instead of being "Poetry is ...".

The image of the skin I find it amazing, the poetry in his own skin or is no longer in the skin (which changes) and as a stretch-sensitive skin to be modeled based on that of "highly mobile substance," to a Another great step below in exchange inside-outside, so as to be penetrated in un unicum (la poesia appunto) sia la sostanza mobilissima, sia la sua pelle-reticolo di linguaggio-forma.

Inoltre sempre la pelle ben rende il movimento elastico di vestizione del presente, non fondato (statico), ma rilasciato (dinamico).

Beh, adesso accelero :), aggiungendo quanto ho trovato interessanti le tue osservazioni relative al darsi “civile” (in senso ontologico)della poesia, anche di quella lirica, per quel suo stare comunque “in-posizione sempre eccedente” “affettivamente gettato”

e in senso sociologico per il fatto “che (la poesia) born and dies in a socio-political "-comments that I think you and develops in another way later in the" why do you write "- when (you) answer:" to keep alive another "(wow) -

and even fundamental observations:), those relating to endure poetry by the author (as well as the player), including, of course, in suffering, passion,

passion in what you write and you feel like writing.



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