Thursday, January 20, 2011

Redoing Fireplace Facing

A chicken named Kosher

Memories of World War

Liliana Treves Alcalay

Giuntina 2009
€ 13.00

A chicken named Kosher
autobiographical tale is a simple and sincere. Liliana Treves Alcalay recounts episodes of his life since returning to Milan in June 1945, returning from Switzerland, where his family has taken refuge to escape Nazi-fascist persecution.
A simple story, but with many significant implications. With a linear prose, Liliana girl, who belongs to a family looking, for example, describes the preparations for the celebration of Shabbat On Friday evening, and almost invites us to sit around that table set up by the Jews in the same way all over. His family is Sephardic, his ancestors were among those expelled from Spain (Sefarad) in 1492 by Isabella the Catholic, were scattered a bit 'everywhere, but now well-established musician and Liliana woman learns from her mother that one of its ancestors are some Marranos. Marrano (pig in English) is the term used to designate the Jews who were converted by force during the Inquisition, continued to profess Judaism in secret. A tragic page in the history of the Jews that Liliana's mother testifies her and us so essential, but non per questo meno efficace.
Liliana adolescente ha ormai compreso che la sua vita sarà la musica, canta e suona insieme alla sua generazione la protesta nelle canzoni di Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Victor Jara, gli Inti Illimani. Poi un giorno, la svolta.
La madre, nel corso di un trasloco, le consegna un disco di canti chassidici che il padre, morto nel 1967, aveva conservato per lei. Ascoltandolo Liliana prova un’emozione fino ad allora sconosciuta. La voce profonda e struggente del cantore proruppe con impeto nella stanza, come se da troppo tempo fosse stata imprigionata in silenzio ed anelasse solo di librarsi in volo . Decide di dedicarsi alla musica tradizionale ebraica e di farne uno strumento di dialogo e di conoscenza to find out how in the heart of the common man - whatever its history, its culture, its faith - dwell the same dreams and expectations, the same need to live in peace .
born at the end of the book, the desire to listen to this voice and this music.
Liliana Treves Alcalay has already published three volumes of the Giuntina Songs of the Diaspora and Sefarad (and their boxes), an exile Melodies and Songs of the court and iuderia (with CD-ROM.)
marinella m.


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